the world has taken too much from you

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thé arrive at dinner and eat then go home auggies birthday but she doesn't say anything

the next morning

"good morning"-auggie says as she walks out to the porch

"happy birthday bitch"-jj
"happy birthday girl!"-kie
"happy birthday"-pope
"happy birthday gorgeous girl"-john b

"thank you guys"-a
"and thank you asshole"-a

"how you feeling?"-jj


"come talk"-jj says patting the seat next to him signaling for her to sit neck to him
she sits

"it's hard to put it into words how the holidays with always hurt, i watched the fathers with their little girls and wonder what i did to deserve this how could he hurt a little kid i cant forget i can't forgive you cause now i'm scared that everyone will leave me"-auggie

"i wonder if my dad will text me or say anything"-auggie

"do you want him to text you?"-jj

"a part of me does and a part of me doesn't i mean like he's still my dad no matter what same with you jayj luke will always be your dad and there's nothing we can do to change that does that make sense"-auggie

"yea it does make sense"-jj

"i gotta go to work first day i'll see you guys later?"-auggie

"yea of course"-kie

"i'll see you"-john b and pope

"have a good day text me if you need anything and i mean if anything"-jj says and he pecks her lips

"okay bye guys"-auggie

auggie arrived at work and her first table is the cameron family of course

"omg are you kidding me"

"hello what can i get started for you today?"

"happy birthday auggie"-sarah

"it's your birthday? happy birthday!!"-wheez

"thank you sarah and wheezie what can i get you?"

"i'll have the chicken salad please"

"chicken salad got it wheezie what would you like?"

"can i have the chicken tenders please?"

"oh course you can mr cameron what can i get you?"

"i'll get the chicken salad as well make that 2 cause rose wants one as well"

"you got that 2 more chicken salads rafe what can i get for you?"

"i want you to be mine"

"i'm sorry?"

"i'll have the double cheeseburger"

"okay so we have 3 chicken salads, a double cheeseburger and a 5 piece chicken tenders is that all?"

"that should be it thank you ms sage."-ward

auggies whole body froze she hated having her last name because it meant her dad was always with her

"please call me auggie"

"thank you auggie"-rose

"okay i'll have that right out"

"thank you"-sarah

"sarah honey is auggie okay she looks super stressed and depressed?"-ward

"it's probably bc her life is so shitty and it's doesn't help she's the only one working on her birthday she running around trying to get to each table and make sure everyone is satisfied. and she's homeless sleeping on john bs couch"-sarah

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