get to know auggie sage TW!

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auggie sage- 16 years old

Auggie's name and the way she looks may make you think she so sweet and innocent but she is a complete dick but to only the people who deserve it

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Auggie's name and the way she looks may make you think she so sweet and innocent but she is a complete dick but to only the people who deserve it. Auggie was best friends with john b in first grade then they met jj who she didn't like and claims that she still doesn't and then came pope and kie. Auggie and jj say they hate each other but the pouges think they are in love with eachother and that they will get married one day they have a bet on who's gonna make the first move kie and pope said auggie and john b said jj well the bet is $100. Everyone who doesn't know jj and auggies personally thinks they despise eachother when in reality they are the closest of the group he know everything about her dad and everything about her in general same goes for auggie they just show there love a different way and they only get into the deep shit when there high or drunk which is pretty often for jj but auggie triés not to do it too much because of her dad. Auggie has a really bad home life. Her dad (dean sage) is a super rich abusive asshole. Auggie's been in the hospital over 12 times in the last year due to her dad flipping out and trying to kill her. And well her mom (enola sage) is dead but it wasn't like a natural cause or anything let me tell you. Enola and auggie were arguing like teenage daughters and moms do nothing weird or anything right? Wrong enola was yelling at auggie's because enola had caught auggie burning and slicing her thighs. Let's just say enola was very angry and she kept say stuff like "am i really that bad of a mother. do you really hate me that much that you want to kys!" and auggie wasn't saying anything she was just bawling her eyes out. her mom then went upstairs and auggie just stayed downstairs crying normally that's not something she would do she hated showing emotion the only people who have seen her cry is her mom and her dad that's it. a few hours pasted and she went upstairs to say she was sorry to her mom and she couldn't find her she walked in her moms bathroom and enola was holding a gun to her head and said "i hate you auggie at least now you won't have to deal with me since i'm such a terrible mom" then she shot herself.

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