oh god did i sleep with him

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auggie wakes up in jjs bed and flips

"holy shit did i fuck jj maybank when i was drunk"

"oh god did i sleep with him?"

"omg i'll ask kie"

"auggies walks out and dragged kie to the bathroom

"did i sleep with jj??"-auggie

"idk did you?-kie

"you don't know!?"

"no i don't know i don't think you did but you did kinda confess your feelings for him yesterday"-kie

"no i didn't your lying please tell me your joking!"-a

"no look i have it on video"
*kie pulls out her phone and shows the video to auggie*

"no no no this can not be happening was he drunk too?"-a

"no he was sober"-kie

"god the one fucking time he was sober i was drunk"-a

"well jj wouldn't have sex with you if he knew you were drunk and he knew you didn't know what you were saying"-kie

"still kinda freaky that i woke up in his fricking bed!"-a

"just go out on the porch you'll be fine"-kie

"omg im gonna die"-a

*kie and auggie walk out*

"you look pretty"-jj

"what did you say?"-a

"uh i said you look shitty im gonna use the restroom"-jj

"dude auggie you were so dunk last night"-pope

"don't even tell me about it kie just told me everything and showed me the video"-a

"well what do you think"-john b

"i think i need to go for a walk"-a
"if you need me ask jj he knows where i'll be"-a

"okay have fun"-pope

"god damit kie why did you show her the video"-jj
"she was gonna find out one way or another"-kie

"still she doesn't actually like me she was just drunk she doesn't even remember"-jj

"oh please shes inlove with you"-kie
"no no no"-jj

"where did she go that only you know jj?"-john b asks
"doesn't matter i'm not telling you"

"why do you guys even have a secret spot"-pope

"it's where we have our therapy sessions as we call them"-jj

"therapy sessions?"-kie

"yea i mean get go we get high and we tell each other everything and anything and i always go first i always have and always will and then we wake up the next morning and we don't talk about it or anything i mean sure we will ask each other if we are okay but that's it and it's always at night so no one can see us you may think it's silly but it the reason we are so close"

"okay that's cute"-john b
"are you falling in love jj?"-pope
"i have a feeling you are"-kie
"are you falling in love"-john b

"yes yes okay i'm in love with auggie blake sage there i said it happy?"-jj

"yes i am"-auggie says

"wait wha-" jj says but gets cut off by auggie kissing him

*auggie crying happy tears*
"i love you auggie"
"your such an asshole"
"i love you maybank"
*they kiss*

jj's loverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя