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"How much longer" Mylo was complaining that we have been walking for at least three hours now "(y/n) were are we going we've been walking for three hours now and I don't recognize this place" I looked at Vander as I finally stopped and pointed over to a cave " right there you guys are gonna have to trust me on this" I could tell they were all hesitant but I followed me anyway "(y/n) have you been here before" Claggor stayed next Vander as Mylo was beside me "yeah I have but it's been a while since I've been back here" I could tell they were confused as we started to walk in the caves

soon enough the regular rocks started to turn into crystals around us blue crystals "stay close everyone is easy to get lost in these tunnels" I put my hand on the wall as I started to follow it trying to remember my way around here


"(Y/n) do you know where you're going" I turned my head slightly as I looked at Claggor "kind of like I said it's been a while since I've been here and these tunnels can be really difficult to navigate" Mylo threw his hand up in the air as he turned around "great so we just followed you in here blind and you don't know which is the right way" I was about to say something before I heard Claggor yell "WHAT THE FICK IS THAT" we all turned to look at what he was talking about to see a scorpion a crystal scorpion "it's a protector" I was very happy to see one of them again

I could tell everyone was confused as I pulled a small coin out of my front pocket and went over the crystal scorpion I got down on one of my knees as I held the coin up to the protector "hey buddy you remember me I know it's been a while" I gave the protector a smile as they looked at the coin "(y/n) get away from that thing" I turned my head at Vander's voice as I was about to say something before the crystal scorpion tackled me down make me laugh as the protective tail wrapped around me giving me a sort of hug "hey" I could feel the crystal scorpions tail wagging happy that I was back

I could tell everyone else was confused as to what was going on "umm sis what is that thing" I looked at Mylo as I smiled "they're a crystal scorpion they protect the crystal caves so we call them the protectors" I stood up once the crystals scorpion backed up a little "ok so they protect these caves but why did it kind of jump on you like that" I just smiled as I looked at Claggor "that's because I used to live here when I was younger before the war broke out on the bridge I kind of grew up here" I could tell they were confused as I looked back at the protector "hey buddy do you think you can take us down I don't really remember my way around here" the protector snapped his clause twice saying 'OK' "all right everyone he's going to take us down" the crystal scorpion turned around and started walking in a direction telling us to follow him

After a few minutes of walking I stopped and looked out since there was a whole in the wall "wow" Mylo stood next to me looking at where are used to live "(y/n) you said you used to live here right" I looked at Claggor as I smiled "yeah I used to live here before the war broke out on the bridge this is the moon clan it's where we lived before everyone died on the bridge I am the last one to my knowledge" Vander put his hand on my shoulder as he looks down at me "I'm sorry about your family" I shook my head as I just kept looking at my old home "it's all right it's was a ago sure it hurts and it kind of hurts to be here again but I'll learn to cope" I took a deep breath as I turned on my heel to follow the protector again "come on let's head down we're gonna be staying here for a while" they all gave me a nod as they started following me down

once we got down I kept looking around it was nice being back it was how I remembered it actually which was nice "wow why have you never took us here before" I turned my head slightly to look at Mylo seeing him spitting around looking at the place "it was hard to come back here I was hesitant to even bring this place up since of the memories I have here but right now it has the stuff we need" I could tell they were confused as I started to walk over to the medical tents and started rummaging through the cabinets and crates that was there until I found the blue viol "nice I forgot how much we had at this stuff" my voice was a whisper as I turned to look at Mylo

I padded the table as I just looked a at both Mylo and Claggor "alright Mylo I need you to sit on the table Claggor i'm gonna need your help here" I could tell they were confused but followed my orders Mylo sat on the table facing me as Claggor stood next to me "alright Claggor I'm gonna need you to pull the metal piece out of Mylo's chest" Mylo immediately
scooted back "OH HELL NO THAT'S GONNA KILL ME" I shook my head as I held up the vile that was in my hand "no it won't because you're gonna be drinking this while he's pulling it out it will keep you alive trust me on this" Mylo glared at me for a few seconds but took a deep breath "fine but if I die I'm coming back and haunt you" I smiled a little as I sat on the table next to him and open the vile and put it right next to his mouth "alright Claggor on the count of three you start pulling" Claggor was a little bit hesitant but nodded his head and put his hands on the metal pole ready to pull "alright one"




IMylo was screaming as I had him drink some of the liquid from the viol as Claggor pulled the metal pole out once it was all the way out and he finished drinking the liquid we looked at his chest to see it was all healed up even his other wounds were completely gone "how... what" I smiled as I got off the table and grabbed three more of the vials "This stuff is made with the crystals in the cave they are medicine these blue ones can heal anything it can bring people back from the dead and judging by how we were supposed to be dead and I swallowed some of those crystals I thought maybe that-" before I could finish Vander interrupted me "is that you got the same ability that's not a bad theory" Vander took one of the vials from my hand opened it up and drink the liquid healing up his wounds "yeah that's what I was thinking" I handed the other vials to Claggor to heal up his wounds as I drunk the last one even though I didn't need it I rather be safe than sorry

AU#3 What happened Jinx/Powder x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now