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We ran all the way back to the last drop when we got back we were all out of breath from running we didn't take any breaks just in case if they followed us

"what happened why are all of you out of breath" Vander looked and sounded worried as we stood there casting our breath "enforces they found us they didn't know that it was us that rob the place we don't think I don't think they recognized us anyways" Vi was the first one to talk at the rest of us was catching our breath "all right head downstairs I'm gonna call a meeting see what we can do" I stood up straight and walked past Vander but he stopped me "(y/n) let me patch up your cheek real quick it's bleeding" I wiped away the blood  with my thumb "no thanks I'm good"

I went downstairs and grab the first a kit from underneath mine and Powder's bed I grab the stuff I needed but before I could do anything a hand reach to grab the rubbing alcohol and the wipes "let me help (n/n)" I smiled as I nod my head letting Powder patch me up

"I have a quick question? why don't you let Vander patch you up any more" I was caught off guard by that question I came up with a quick lie to tell her "oh you know he has to call that meeting I don't wanna waste his time with this. it's pretty easy to patch up I could do it myself" I hate lying to her but I didn't want her to know the truth "all right if you say so. annnnnd you're patched up" she got off the bed to waiting by the door "oh go on ahead I'm gonna put the stuff back" she smiled and gave me an nod and went out of the room

The truth is I don't let him patch me up anymore because it seems like a waste of time to him the only time I went to him to patch me up was when I first got here and that was it after that whenever I need like patching up and coming back from a mission I knew it took up too much of his time I thought he didn't mind it though helping out he said 'he didn't mind' or 'this can never be a waste of my time kiddo' whenever I asked him if it was a waste of his time or if it bothered him

But I noticed whenever anyone else got injured even if it was just a scrape or a bruise he went to them immediately while me on the other hand if I had a gash something might've popped out of place or something broken I had to wait for him to finish with the others that led to me being more injured or me almost passing out because of the blood loss that's also the reason why I went to Sevika with all my injuries she'll drop whatever she's doing and patch me up immediately

I remember this one time we were coming back from a mission and I had a huge gash on my leg and I was limping while Mylo had a few bruises and cuts they wasn't bad they just need like cleaning and patching up Vander take care of his wounds before mine Sevika saw this and came over to me she picked me up and put me on one of the empty tables and started to patch up my leg she gave Vander a death glare because of it I heard her yelling at him that night two saying

'are you kidding me (y/n) had a huge gash on her leg limping bleeding everywhere and what do you do you went to the kid that got barely an injured that maybe he had a few scrapes and bruises and clean those first while you left (y/n) the one that had the serious injury bleeding out everywhere could barely walk losing too much blood for who knows how long just standing there. you know what could've happened hm? She could have blood out passed out from blood loss or died from it'

they normally get into fights like that though so it became the normal for me hearing her yelling at him to take better care of me it was very kind of her to do it really I remember I asked her the same question I did Vander if it was a bother or if I was taking too much of her time with my injuries she just looked at me in the eyes saying

'this could never take up my time making sure you're safe making sure you're not bleeding out injured or I don't care as long as you're hurt you can come to me and I'll patch you up immediately I will drop everything even if I'm in a fight I want to make sure you're safe first and don't go ask me that question again because I'll give you the same answer you mean a lot to me even if I don't show it often you do'

It made me smile knowing that she will always be here for me her saying that to me almost brought me to tears even my parents never cared that much the only people that really care if I was injuries are Powder, Sevika and Ekko I always tell Ekko and Powder then I'm fine that the injury are nothing even if they are I always tell Ekko that he doesn't have to worry about me I know that he does though but Powder every time I tell her that I'm fine she doesn't believe me she worries about me a lot more than anyone other than Sevika it makes me smile that I know I have people down here that actually cares for me and don't see me just as someone expendable

Claggor also cares for me he'll ask if I'm ok if I get injured or if I need to get patched up sweet of him to care this much for me I guess I lied then I guess there's four people that cares for me then

But I'm getting off track here I have to head back upstairs I can't stay down here to thinking about everything I quickly put away the first aid kit and went back upstairs

when I went upstairs I saw that most of the undercity was here I guess I took longer than expected

"what have I missed so far wildflower" she turned to look at me and smiled "not much just Vander explaining what's going on. what took you so long anyway" I smiled and turn my attention back to everyone in the room "I was re-organizing the first aid kit seeing if we need more stuff in it and which we do" that wasn't a total lie I knew we needed more stuff in that's first aid kit we're running low

AU#3 What happened Jinx/Powder x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें