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I started to turn my head a little bit the last thing I remember was going down in the basement with powder and Vander everything after that was a bit hazy I blinked a few time to get used to the light in the room it wasn't bright it was dim so you could see I looked around noticing that I was in a bed I was on my side I was going to get up before I felt movement I looked at my side to see Powder asleep cuddled up next to me it was honestly pretty cute it made me smile as I looked at her her arms was around me so I couldn't get up without waking her up so I did the next best thing and move her closer I close my eyes again with a smile on my face


I couldn't go back to sleep so I just laid there I felt movement again and open one of my eyes to see her getting up it took her a little bit but she realize where she was she tried to get out of my grass but I just pulled her closer "a couple more minutes" I close my eyes again as I felt her wrapped her arms around me tighter "all right I am fine with that" she snuggled into my neck like a little kitten would she was honestly so cute

but we were interrupted by someone coming downstairs "they have to be up by now they can't stay in bed forever" the voice didn't sound familiar "maybe we should let them sleep a little bit longer I mean we don't know what that girls been through" I could tell by the voices that it sounded like two males they sounded older I heard the door open and I open up one of my eyes a little bit for them not to notice but for me to see they both had brown hair one had goggles the other one had spike up hair like a bomb went off and he was skinny like a twig the other guy looked decent his hair was actually combed he was a bit chubby but in all he looked pretty much decent for someone down here

"see their still asleep we don't know what she's been through maybe we should let them sleep" the one that looked like he actually put a comb through his hair said that "I don't care we need to get them up it's already late in the day they can't sleep in like this" I looked down at Powder to see that she fell back asleep but if these guys keep talking they would wake her up "will both of you shut your traps" that caught both of them off guard because they turned around looking at me "I promise you if you wake her up there will be consequences" I pulled Powder closer to me and put my hand on your head making sure that she was still asleep "whatever it's time to get up anyways who cares" the one that looks like a bomb went off in his hair exit the room leaving the one that actually looks like he brush his hair standing there

"hello I'm Claggor what about you" I was hesitant but I knew that I'll be living with them for now "(y/n)" we were both whispering I didn't want to wake up powder "it's a pleasure to meet you the other guy that was in here his name is Mylo he can be rude at time so please forgive him" I gave him a simple nod

as I noticed that powder was moving again this time she was trying to set up "what's going on" I smiled and set up as well "good morning Powder Vander wants to see everyone upstairs" Powder was the first move to get out of bed while I still sat there

"(y/n) aren't you coming" I was confused of what she was meaning "well doesn't he just want to talk to you guys alone plus I can't walk that much" powder took my hand and drag me out of the bed letting me lean against her  "nonsense he's calling all of us that includes you" I gave her a simple nod as the three of us went back upstairs

Once we got up the stairs I saw Mylo and Vi I believe their names was I stayed close to Powder as we sat at the counter "I see you two are finally up" I looked at Vander and gave him a simple nod "not one for talking are you" I looked at Vi as Mylo started laughing "not much for talking she threatened us" I just sat there and scooted closer to powder "why did you threaten them" Vander was confused as Vi look a little mad at me "I didn't want them to wake Powder up" I started to rub the back of my neck looking down "it's fine really it was actually pretty funny" Claggor had a smile on his face as he said that letting me know that it was all right

"all right then I just have a few questions for you (y/n)" I look back at Vander to continue "do you want to stay here" I thought about it for a moment "yeah it would be nice" I felt Powder grab my hand and hold it tight I could tell that she was happy "good to hear my second question is what did you used to do that caused you to get all those cuts and bruises" I froze for a moment not knowing if I should tell him the real answer I told him a couple hours ago that I was clumsy "(y/n) please tell us" I looked at powder with a pitiful look I knew that she wanted to know so I gave in "I was helping with my family they had me go on some jobs and sometimes I was just tripping and fall other times they were from training when I wasn't being careful the jobs wasn't dangerous at all I would just fall often at first but now most of them are from training" I stayed close to Powder as I talked for some reason it was easy for me to talk to her "at your age that's impressive my third question is would you like to help us with jobs" I looked at him for a moment thinking about my answer "yeah I can start when I can walk again properly and I don't have to keep leaning on Powder"

AU#3 What happened Jinx/Powder x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now