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You grin falls like rotten leaves
Sickening sweet like carrion
Lips curled up, never enough
Just a falsehood, emotion you never got up to snuff

Masks like brittle glass
Frosted over, coveted touches
Fragile in essence you breathe taint and acid coughs
Irascible, untamable, how could I ever fall you you?

Perhaps it was the collar
You wrapped round my neck
Like a scarf at winter's end

Perhaps the fleeting love
Kept me begging
Kept me thirsty
Like dry earth under summer's sun

I tried to see the life in you
Deep down, new sprouts
Beneath the soil's crust
And crumpled leaves you crushed to dust

For autumn isn't even sacred
That season of renewal ruined
In your image of corrosion
Poisoning everything that you touch.

Perhaps I craved that addiction
Like a fish craves warm waters
Drawn away by winter
Towards summer's unrelenting heated love.

Carved a place in my heart
Forcibly made room for me and you
Except you forgot the me
And only stood for the things you could woe
From me into your hand
Till you'd stolen the last drop.

Seasons change
We change
Then I learn a thing or two
That maybe spring was not made for summer
And the deck from which I drew
Was nothing but specious feelings
And a hurtful time to live through.

Autumn stole the heart and
Winter replaced it with shattered snow
Spring came for another beginning
Paved the way for summer's healing
In the end the seasons changed.

So too did I, away from you.

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