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128 A.C

DRAGONSTONE BECAME a blessing, an escape for Aestra, compared to King's Landing this island had everything she ever wanted. Since she was a little child all she wished for was to see Dragonstone with her own eyes not just in the books and stories of Aegon The Conquerer. The reason was that she wasn't allowed to visit Dragonstone or any other places unless Alicent was leaving the castel as well. All the little girls had to do was to stay at The Red Keep and listen to the Queen's orders, after Rhaenyra left King's Landing Aestra knew she was now all alone in the infinite world created by Alicent and Otto where she was a pawn in their games. Life at Red Keep was horrible, how people treated her and the way her "brothers" always took advantage of her. She will never forget the day that the worst thing that can happen to a woman did happen to her when she was just three and ten of age.

It was nearly afternoon and she had just got out from the library the next book of Aegon's adventures, she loved to read about him and about his sisters Rhaenys, the youngest, and Visenya, the oldest, though she considered herself more of a Visenya she was always courious why did Aegon married Rhaenys too because he was supposed to be with Visenya only, she presumed it was love. As she was closing the door of the library she could hear two men talking from over the corner, she hid the book under her dress, she wasn't allowed to be in the library only with her maester and she obviously wasn't allowed to steal from it.

"Your mother is going to be very upset, you fool" one of the voices scolded the other as they were taking the corner, Aestra could see that it was her grandsire Otto carrying Aegon on his shoulders who was more than drunk. Aestra hold on her book as they got closer, she didn't move because he will see her anyway.

"Oh, princess. What are you doing here at this hour? Shouldn't you do your lessons or?" asked Otto trying not to drop Aegon on the floor who couldn't even control his feet.

"Lord Hand. I was... taking a walk in the castel" said Aestra with her hands crossed for no one to notice the book from under her clothes.
"Good good" uttered Otto with no attention to what the girl had just said.

"I want..." started Otto taking off Aegon's hand from his shoulder. "...you to help me with him" continued Otto as he let Aegon fall in Aestra's arms, the girl almost fell on the floor because her brother was too heavy, but she thanked the gods the book didn't fall.

"Thank you" bowed Otto before he walked the other way at his chambers that were near the king's.

Aestra sighed in annoyance, it was really painful when things like this happened, she was always the one to carry him with his drunken statement to his chambers, she lifted him up, put on her shoulder and dragged him all the long corridor until they reached his dorm. Opening the door was the hardest part, now that she had a stolen book beneath her cloth and a drunk moron on her shoulders the process was horrible. She let Aegon build upon her neck, he was too drunk to notice her anyway, she opened the gab with her right hand while with the other she held the book. Aegon's dorm was empty no maids that would take him from Aestra and lay him on the bed and would feel sorry for the princess that she had to go through this effort. It felt strange really strange...

THE FALLEN DAUGHTER~ j. velaryon and cregan stark Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora