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𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟠
{The Lord Of The Tides}

𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟠{The Lord Of The Tides}

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128 A.C

ASHES, FOG, DARKNESS were surrounding her way, she could not see anything, no signs of life, no one. The obscurity cut her eyes, she could just wish this was a filthy nightmare and she will be awake soon.
"My love..." a voice cracked in the shadows but Aestra did not move, did not say anything, fear was sat in her body, but she somehow knew that voice.
"My beautiful daughter..." the voice began again but no human was shown, Aestra recognised the sound, it was the woman from the dream, she was speking much better now than her fading voice from when she gave birth.
"Who are you?" asked Aestra afraid of who was she talking to and of what she was seeing.
"You know who I am, little one." said calmly the woman not even surprised by the girl's question, Aestra reassured her thoughts that it was just a dream and she will wake up unharmed.
"I don't know who you are and what you want from me, but it would be more appropiate to show yourself." uttered Aestra frightened of the fact that she was talking to voices that she never met or heard of.
"I want to protect you, to warm you, my sweet little girl." explained the woman now with a concerned whisper  as her voice cracked into the infinite darkess.
"Protect me?! From what?"  talked the Targaryen girl scared that all of this widget was taking out of control, she must wake up for Gods Sake!
"Please... promise me... promi-" began the woman but suddenly stopped and the silence was poured as Aestra turned on her heels trying to listen carefully if the voice will talk again.
"Hello? Lady?" said Aestra waiting for the woman to talk again but nothing, it was all shadows and dark.
"This is insane! Answer me! What in the-" shouted Aestra furious but unexepectedly something caught her by her throat, it had its claw on her mouth, she felt the hard and cold fingers covering her. She fought the thing that was holding her but it was too powerfull.
"Iksan māzis syt ao. Morghon iksis māzis..." (I'm coming for you. Death is coming...) whispered in the Targaryen's ear, it sounded as a monster, like a demon...

"Morghon... no..." Aestra spoke in her bed frightened that it was not a dream.
"Es? Es?!" shouted Jace shaking the girl who was still asleep next to him.
"No... you can't..." mumbled Aestra with a cry as she was trying to open her eyes but in the same time wanted to stay in there.
"Es! Wake up!" shouted Jacaerys again scared about the girl's condition, she seemed like she was being possesed.
"MORGHON!" screamed Aestra as she rose up from her sleep, her face was sweaty and her eyes were red because of the cries she said, she was breathing heavily still shocked that all was a dream, a glimpse of imagination.
"Es, you've worried me." said Jace taking ahold of her hand who was still shaking. "What in the seven hells was that?" asked the prince as he tried to calm off the blue-eyed girl from her shivers and scared look.
"I- I don't..." began Aestra as she put her palm on her forehead cleaning the sweat. "I'm sorry, Jace. I have no idea what this was." signed Aestra as she turned to look at her "friend" who didn't let go of her hand.
"Why are you sorry? You looked frightened and you were shivering and...you said some words, worrying things." said Jace looking at Aestra in question, he wanted to know what happened to her, what that meant.
"Things? What... things?" asked Aestra raising an eyebrow, what she could have said, all she remembered was her talks to the woman and that hand...
" Morghon" said Jace with a terrible accent in high valyrian "and If I am not mistaken that means death..." continued the boy waiting for Aestra to say something, to calm him from the stressed he had in, if there was someone or something that wanted Aestra dead he would burn them to the ground.
"Firstly I can't remember anything of what happened in the dream and secondly you're pronunciation in high valyrian needs more work" lied Aestra about the first part, of course she recalled the dream perfectly it was like she had been living in it the entire night. Jace started laughing hardly from Aestra's scolding, he knew he must learn more to improve this important language that everyone in the royal family must speak.
"Don't be upset at me for speaking the truth, please" said Aestra checking the boy who was laughing out his lungs.
"Upset?! How could I be upset at you, Es? I just found it funny, that's all" said Jace after he calmed a bit, he could never be upset at her, no one should be mad at her, she is just the best and amazing person in this whole world, after what happened there at Driftmark he swore to himself that he would never be around her, he would try to let her go, he would protect her from himself, but how could he resist her, how could he be in a room with her and not lose his mind, how could he bear to not stare at those majestic blue eyes, how could he resist that angelic smile of this briliant girl... in fact he couldn't...
"Has anybody told you how beautiful you are, Es?" asked Jace staring at the girl as she rose her chin a smirk appearing on her face as her cheeks became fully red.
"I think you are the first one to compliment me in that way" quothed Aestra with a shinny smile on her face as she and Jace had their hands folded and their eyes looking with desire at each other.
Jace broke the stare by kissing Aestra softly , she put her arms around his neck and his hands around her wrist as they both layed down on the bed.
"I can do this all day" said Jace as he was caressing Aestra's leg with tender, biting her lower lip before he began to kiss her neck.
"Really?" asked Aestra as a little moan came out of her mouth running her fingers through his brown soft hair as she thought about how happy he made her feel.
The bright sunbeams penetrated through the windows into Aestra's chambers, it was already morning as sounds and voices of people who began their work could be heard in the yard, the Red Keep was begging to awake.
All of a sudden a knock could be heard on the door of the princess's dorm:
"Princess, are you awake?" asked Janet from the other side of the door in hopes the girl will let her in.
"Oh Seven Hells. It's Janet" whispered Aestra to Jace as they both rose up from the bed, the princess still in her night gown and Jace put on his blouse.
"Princess?" asked again Janet worried about the fact that the girl didn't answer in such long time.
"In a minute Janet!" shouted Aestra to the door before turning her to Jace as she was signaling him to hide in the closet.
"You may come in." said Aestra leaning on the table from the middle of her dorm after Jace entered the wardrobe closing it behind him.
"Finally, sweet girl" uttered Alicent as she wide opened the doors coming in her daughter's room. Aestra was stunned for a moment, why would the Queen visit her in the morning, she never did such a questionable act, and why would Janet come with the Queen,
this made Aestra's mind spring lots of questions.
"Your grace" bowed Aestra as Alicent came in front of her with a decisive atitude and pleased face.
"Gods be good, you're still in your noght gown." said the Queen putting her palm on her forhead with a deep breath as she rolled her eyes.
"The morning has just came, why wouldn't I be?" asked Aestra with a furrowed eyebrow waiting for her mother to tell a good reason for her acting.
"Aestra darling, do you forget your days? Today we celebrate something very important for your brother and you" explained Alicent as she turned to Janet who was making Aestra's bed and preparing her clothes for that day.
Maybe she indeed forgot her days, she didn't know what was happening anymore being focused on her weird and unique dreams or nightmares that she escaped what should happen today, whatever that was.
"The wedding between you and Aemond, silly" said Alicent with a smile, thrilled that her two children are going to strengthen the family blood more and that today is going to be a happy day.
"WHAT?!" exclaimed Aestra so loud that Janet dropped one of her dresses on the floor tarnishing it with a little dirt.
"Well, you seem excited about it... as I can hear" said Alicent rolling her eyes at how inconvenient her daughter's maid could be.
"No! I am NOT going to marry Aemond! Not today! Not tomorrow! NEVER!" shouted Aestra at the Queen who almost dropped her jaw at the words that escaped her daughter's mouth.
"I have decided that I will go and live on Dragonstone with Rhaenyra and my-" began Aestra but Alicent put her  palm on the princess mouth before she could say anything that wasn't to say by the circumstances they were involved.
"Janet, please leave me and my daughter alone" declared the Queen as Janet bowed and walked out the room leaving the two women with their discusion.
"Are you mad?! Do you really think what was said last evening was true?!"exclaimed Alicent taking her palm off Aestra's mouth, her eyes becoming angrier by every second.
"Why? For speaking the truth? YES. HE IS MY FATHER! Daemon Targaryen is my real father and I don't give a fuck if you care or not" Aestra told the Queen who was so surprised by the princess declaration that made her blood boil more and more.
"In conclusion I will be going to Dragonstone and I will NOT marry Aemond so you can cancel all of it, mother"  spoke Aestra accentuating the last word as she rose her chin in front of the Queen who was so furious that she could kill the girl right there in her room.
"Fine. Go live with Rhaenyra and her bastard boys. That's all you ever wished for, isn't it?" spoke Alicent turning her gaze away from the girl and walking at the door.
"Good day, princess" uthered Alicent before she closed the door behind her leaving the blue-eyed princess alone with her thoughts.
Aestra couldn't believe it, how this was being true, no she was dreaming again, how could Alicent allow her to go, let her free from The Red Keep, yes it was definitely a dream. She will be free from all the horrors she suffered in here, free from Aegon, from Otto, from Alicent, from Aemond, but the only one person she will miss is her sweet Healena, she will miss their talks, their laughs, how Healena was always honest with her in everything she had went through especially with Aegon, a cunt and druken man, she must say goodbye to her and to Jahaera and Jahaerys the lovely twins of Heleana.
"Es?" asked Jace coming out from the closet with a smile on his face putting his hand on the girl's shoulder.
"I-I cannot believe it... I-" began Aestra with her hands on her forehead still shocked of how she resisted in front of Alicent, she never felt more alive.
"You spoke your words" said Jace taking ahold of her hands kissing them softly. Aestra smiled, she was feeling amazing, she is going to live with her loved once, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Luke and Jace oh how beautiful this could be, she and Jace will never be separated again.
"I should go before your maid comes in again" spoke Jace as he started into her magical blue eyes where you can see the ocean.
"Yeah, you should" said Aestra nodding with a giggle on her face as her eyes became colourfull.
Jace let go of her hands and walked at her door turning around to look at her again, her face so full of life, she was never so beautiful as now.
"Gods" whispered Jace before running back to Aestra to gave her a quick kiss. The girl smiled brightly as she looked at her lover going out of her dorm. She loved him, oh Gods how much she loved him...

THE FALLEN DAUGHTER~ j. velaryon and cregan stark Where stories live. Discover now