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𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟞
{The Princess and The Queen}

𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟞{The Princess and The Queen}

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

120 A.C

AESTRA WOKE UP in her bedroom to see the sunlight who was crashing through to window to reach her pretty white face.
"Good morning, little dragon." said a voice in the dorm who was very close to her. Aestra opened her ocean blue eyes just to say uncle Daemon standing on the bed with a bright smile on his face because the girl was feeling better, it was seen on her face.
"Uncle!" shouted happily Aestra before she jumped to hug her favourite and only uncle."How is that you are here?" asked the girl after she let go of the man and put her back under the blanket. "Am I not allowed to visit one of my favourite nieces or?" said Daemon with a smirk on his face and ruffled her hair with his hand as Aestra laughed really hard. "I am really glad that you see me that way, uncle"responded Aestra smiling brightly at her uncle who clearly was concerned about something. " But I know you are not here just for me." continued Aestra giving her uncle a questionable look.
"Why do you me know so damn well?" said Daemon licking his lips and glacing at the window. "It is like you said, I am-" began Aestra but was cut off by the open of the doors who let in a furious and rushed Alicent Hightower.
As she walked in, she did not bother to say anything or do anything just asking "Daemon, of what circumstances have you decided to come in Kings Landing?" Aestra scoffed at her mother's words and rolled her eyes "Did she really come in here to bother my meeting with uncle, didn't she?" thought Aestra in her mind. The Queen never really cared about her, or even if she did it was for the image, but instead the others were much important, she would protect Aegon at any costs, after all he is her first born son, something that queen Aemma was not able to do so of course she acted like she was much better, so her acting never surprised Aestra, Alicent is Alicent and she could never be changed.
"Apologized, your majesty, for not announcing my visit but I wanted to surprise Aestra if that is something I could do without anyone to know." said Daemon with a strict and furious tone. The Queen took a deep breath and smiled forcefully at Daemon: "Of course, my prince." said silently Alicent before turning her gaze to Aestra who was still very confused of the tense conversation between the two.
"Darling, how are you feeling?" asked The Queen with a fake tone that anyone could hear, she wanted to sound like she cared for Aestra in front of Daemon and he could see that.
"Better, my queen." responded Aestra laying again on the puffy pillow and covering with silk yellow blanket.
"Oh, I've told you many times, I am your mother." said Alicent putting accent on the last two words before turning her eyes at Daemon for a moment who clearly did not like how the conversation was going on.
"Forgive me, your majesty. But I should go." said Daemon before clearing his way out of the room and Aestra was sure that he went back to his wife Laena Velaryon and their daughters Baela and Rhaena.
Aestra never met the girls or their mother, she's just heard stories from Daemon who was occasionally visiting, she always wanted to see them and be friends with them.
"Now, you must stay in bed until you recover and I must congratulate you for the marvellous scene you've maid one day ago when you "fainted" in front of Rhaenyra's chambers. You are very good at acting, you know." explained the Queen gesticulating and sitting next to Aestra on the bed. "I do not know or care if you feel bad, but you must obey of what I tell you, understood?" said Alicent while taking Aestra's hand in hers and looked in her ocean blue eyes.
"DO NOT EVER DO THIS KIND OF THING, OR YOU WILL REALLY FEEL BAD!" Alicent threatened the girl by folding her hand and pressing it on the bed.
"Argh! Moth- mother! It- it hur- hurts!"  tried Aestra to speak but couldn't because the pain in the hand was growing with every minute. "I am- sorry-" said Aestra just as tears began to fall on her cheeks. "Understood?" asked again Alicent more severe. "Yes- just- just let go!" cried Aestra out of pain. Alicent took away her hand and went out of the dorm leaving the girl alone and frightened, asking herself why the Queen acted in this way around her.

THE FALLEN DAUGHTER~ j. velaryon and cregan stark Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang