Chapter 4: An Entrance Exam

Start from the beginning

"Not only that she is one of youngest members in the history of the "council" of ten masters, Tōtsuki's top student decision-making body! She's also a genius!" Nikado affirmed.

"So?", Souma said.

"She also has the most refined palate known to man, THE DIVINE TONGUE!" Nikado affirmed again and continued.

"Top restaurants in Japan have begged Nakiri Erina ever since she was little to taste the test dishes for them! She regards even the greatest authority in the culinary industry as mere clients! Her decisions are made known to everyone in the business. If your present to her an imperfect dish and she labels your work 'Incompetent', your career in the culinary industry will forever be tarnished! YOUR LIFE AS A CHEF WILL BE OVER!!!"

Then Nikado ran and leave hysterically.


(Erina's POV)

As I expected, from these incompetent cowardy chickens. They just run away and leave after I explained those regulations crossed in my thought to make sure they didn't pass the exam easily. It was faster than I expected compared to last exam I oversee. Those disgusting and low-effort dishes spoil my mouth like eating a bunch of rotten food, disturbing my dream and contaminating the essence of a perfect dish.

There is no place for cowardy chicken in this institute.

'Such pathetic', I thought.

Then Hisako comes and talks to me.

"Miss, was this wise? I doubt anyone will stay."

I sighed and answered her.

"You saw them. They were a pack of talentless incompetents. My time is too precious to waste on the worthless."

"This clear my schedule for the day correct? Then I will return to my private kitchen and work on a new recipe." I continued.

I planned to make a new recipe to keep my tongue in check to taste every delicacy of the perfect dish. Hisako looks so excited and drooling hearing it. I know and expected her reaction.

Arato Hisako, she is one of the 92nd Tōtsuki Generation students and the secretary of mine. She is born in the Arato family hailed for their mastery in *Zhōng Yī. We were became friends since young. She pledged and serve me with full of dedication with her cooking style to impress me since then. I accepted her will and her feelings to be at my side accompanying me in this academy together.

*Traditional Chinese medical science

"My, what a greedy look on your face." I chuckled at her saw this cute side of her.

"Er, I-I ah..." She responded nervously.

I approach her and put my thumb on her chin.

"Do you want the priveleage of tasting my newest dish?" I ask her smirking.

"Y-yes, miss. Please!" She exclaimed and blushing.

"Heh heh, What an eager girl you." I exclaimed back sophisticated.

"I-I'm sorry miss!" she replied nervously.

"But first, we must report the results of today's test. Out of all applicants, zero were acce-"

"Enough with the romantic-yuri stuff? We've been standing here from earlier."

I gasped hearing that words.

There is someone who dare to challenge me!?

I turned to the source of the voice and there is two boys with same red hair and golden-yellow eyes.

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