Rumlow distracted her as he spoke to Rogers, asking, "Evidence Response found some fibers on the roof they wanted us to see. You want me to get a tac team ready?"

Steve replied in his, dry, deep tone. "No, let's wait and see what it is first."

"Right," Rumlow replied stiffly, seeming uncomfortable.

Emersyn was shifting her weight on each leg out of anxiety as she struggled to find a solution. She had to play her part as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent but had to help Rogers escape. Perhaps if she half-heartedly pretended to attack Steve, she would go unnoticed in the chaos of the mob and could wait it out.
There was not much time to decide, because the elevator stopped at the next level and five more men entered.

"Administrations level." One of them spoke to the elevator AI.

The men carried briefcases and made an obvious effort to squeeze tightly together around Rogers. Some hands were placed apprehensively on their gun holsters, despite the casual conversations that were floating about in the air. Emersyn noticed Rogers slide slowly to the front and watch the faces of those around him with keen, sharp eyes.

She made a move toward him in hopes of giving a warning, but the elevator stopped again, and three burly, stone-faced men appeared outside the door. They had chiseled, cold faces that glared with cold eyes and walked with slow, strong strides toward Steve. Emersyn felt herself tense as they grew closer.

"Records." One man said.

Three men built for combat had no business in records, Emersyn knew. They had closed off her path to Rogers, so she couldn't reach him now, but she assumed the fight would start soon because there was hardly any more room in the elevator. Emersyn was fidgeting from apprehension, waiting for the chaos that was about to ensue.

Rogers' calm, steady voice rang loud in the cramped space. "Before we get started.. does anyone want to get out?"

Emersyn felt a smirk tug at her lips and began to tighten her fists. There was a few seconds of painful silence before one of the burly men pulled out a taser and attempted to stab it into Rogers. Bodies went flying, men scrambled to hold Steve against the wall, shouts filled the air, and Emersyn dove into the fray.

Steve smashed the emergency stop button as he was struggling in a chokehold and pinned against the wall. Emersyn stumbled as the elevator suddenly jerked to a stop, and felt her stomach lurch with her. All the men crowded Rogers, holding his limbs and using magnets disguised as briefcase handles to force him onto the wall.

Steve groaned with the pressure, fighting back the force of the magnet, but couldn't break his arms free. Emersyn pretended to help hold his leg but really was just in a squat beneath him. She was trying to stay out of the fight as much as she could. A loud clang was heard as Steve gave into the magnet, but it was soon followed by the thudding of punches landing and bodies falling.

Steve kicked out, knocking Emersyn backward in the jaw. She groaned and fell against the glass, and watched as a single man fought off ten hand-picked strong S.H.I.E.L.D agents. He body-slammed some, and drop-kicked others, all while still being pinned to the wall with one arm.

Emersyn let herself crumple to the floor and pretend to be knocked out. She closed her eyes and listened to the groans, crashes, and thuds of the action around her. Steve was winning by the sound of it, because only three guys remained, and they were being brutalized.
She couldn't help but be in shock at how powerful Rogers was. He alone took out the toughest agents in a compact elevator while being severely outnumbered.

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