The chatter in the elevator was interrupting her thoughts – breaking any chains that were beginning to link together. Everyone was talking about how they found out about the interview and when they'd decided to apply. Marinette, however, had been lucky. It was a new company. One just finding its feet and looking to build its story in the fashion world. Kagami had forwarded the information on to her from a close friend.

A... close... friend.

No! No! It can't be? Could that close friend be...

The elevator slowed to a complete stop, the doors opening and revealing the answer to her question.

She couldn't help but swallow past the lump in her throat; her nostrils flaring and hands gripping tighter around the bag of the outfit she'd made for round two; the 'round two' she was pretty certain she wouldn't be making.

That red streak was one she would never forget and the face was one which had stared her down time and time again as she attempted to pass homework onto Adrien.

As Marinette braced herself for Nathalie to show an ounce of recognition and then throw her out, she was sorely disappointed that she didn't even get a slight twinge of an eyebrow. Nothing.

"Please complete the forms before going into the interview room."

Just as she remembered, Nathalie's voice was harsh and to the point. She was quite sure this was where Miss Botox had learned her professional conduct from — Nathalie's harsh exterior.

Marinette moved with the group into the boardroom, feeling like cattle being ushered into a barn. She found a seat around the rather profound meeting table and settled into the chair, digging once more into her bag for a pen.


Pulling it out and raising it like the Holy Grail, Marinette rushed through the paperwork signing away and initialling where needed. A small part of her asking to slow down and read the damn thing, but this was her dream and she'd do whatever it took to make that dream become a reality.

"Now you're all here, we will start round one of the interviews. Those who are successful will then be asked to present their designs. From there you will be judged on your design and creation skills, along with any alterations you will need to make. You are all group four. The other three groups are already going through their process and yours will begin shortly."

Nathalie gave everyone one last look over, before leaving the room.

"She's terrifying," said the girl beside Marinette.

"You have no idea!" Marinette settled back in her chair, reaching down beside her into her bag and lifting out both her phone and the paperwork she'd received back in Paris.

'A Designs.'

A? A Designs? Marinette could only come to one conclusion: the A stood for Agreste. Dammit!

Looking at her phone she debated whether she should do her homework quickly and research who owned the company, or message Kagami with a small, yet vocal, piece of her mind. A quick decision had Marinette swiping up with full intentions of googling the company, when her phone went off in her hand instead.

Mr Unknown (10:10am): So, what are you wearing right at this moment?

Marinette smiled and looked around the room. Everyone seemed completely absorbed in themselves and their own phones, therefore no one would notice her sudden obsession with her own.

To Mr Unknown (10:13am): Today I went with a fisherman's hat and trench coat. I swapped the wellies out for stilettos though. Dialled the wrong number again?

Placing her thumb nail in her mouth, she nibbled down on it, her lips twitching as waited for the response from the anonymous face on the other side of the phone. It didn't take too long for the reply to appear.

Mr Unknown (10:14am): Sexy! I love a waterproof hat! Our conversation yesterday was just so riveting I wanted to message you again. Plus, there's a question which has been playing on my mind all day.

Marinette looked at her watch. How could he have thought about it all day? It was only 10:15am. She rolled her eyes and began to message back.

To Mr Unknown: All day? That's a bit extreme isn't it? How long have you been awake?

Mr Unknown (10:18am): Long enough. Do you want to hear my question?

To Mr Unknown: You're going to ask me anyway, aren't you?

A snort left her mouth, bringing unwanted attention to her from the other interviewees in the room.

"Sorry," she announced to the room, slumping lower into the chair and turning her attention back to her messages.

Mr Unknown (10:22am): Of course. You know me so well already.

Mr Unknown(10:22am): Anyway, I want to know if you ate your liquorice underwear?

The scoff was neither flattering or a good idea. Once more, everyone turned their attention to her, her hand waving around in apology. "Sorry," she whispered out to the room again, pushing herself back up into the chair and trying to hold herself together.

To Mr Unknown: You seem to know me well too... I'd run out of food and had great fun eating sweets which had been up my ass.

Mr Unknown (9:25am): What you do in your free time is completely up to you! I'm not here to judge.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" Miss Botox had now appeared in the room, clipboard in hand and face once again void of any expression. Marinette had always been able to read people, so to have someone so annulled terrified Marinette. She prayed this woman wouldn't be on the panel.

"Here!" Marinette stood up and raised one hand, before scooping all her items together and throwing them in her bag. She scrambled towards the doorway, apologising to those her bag hit on the way.

Eventually, she was out of the room and following Miss Botox down the corridor, her handmade costume once again grasped tightly to her chest.

"In here."

The door was flung open and Marinette was guided inside. Her feet stopped dead yet didn't communicate this to her brain as her body continued forward, causing her to stumble and collapse into a seat.

Trying to gain composure, Marinette sat down and looked into the three pairs of eyes opposite. Nathalie Sancoeur and the Agrestes.

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