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A smile played on Nalani's face when she saw Hridyanshu

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A smile played on Nalani's face when she saw Hridyanshu. She picked up her bag and walked to where he was standing. "Well... Well... Isn't the ghost finally decided to step out of his den?" Hridyanshu turned around to see Nalani smiling at him. His gaze went to the bag she was holding. "Ghost doesn't live in a den. Lion does."

Nalani checked Hridyanshu. He was in his jogging attire by the looks of it, he went on a morning jog and was now standing in the driveway with his morning takeaway coffee and newspaper. "You still read a newspaper?"

"Where are you going?" Nalani looked at her bag and back at him. "Airport."

"Airport?" Nalani nodded her head. "Going home for the weekend." Hridyanshu gave the nod. "I will drop you at the airport."

"Sure, thanks." They walked towards his car and Nalani got inside. "Where were you last night? You didn't come home."

"Work at the firm." Nalani hummed but didn't say anything. She can say that Hridyanshu isn't in a good mood. They fell into silence and Nalani went through the messages and profiles her Achan had shared.

"Is everything okay at home? Any emergency?" Nalani smiled. "Everything is good, Hridyanshu. I'm going to meet some suitors my parents had selected." Hridyanshu glanced at Nalani before looking back at the road. "Official family meeting?"

Nalani chuckled, "You wish. No, I'm just going on dates and let's see how it goes."


"I'm meeting five guys. Five members whom my parents have selected." Hridyanshu didn't say anything, he knew that Nalani was in a serious relationship when she was in college but didn't understand why she agreed to an arranged marriage.

"You have none whom your parents would love to meet?" He asked instead. Nalani chuckled. "Trust me, I wish, but yeah... Right now, I'm not seeing anyone nor there's anyone whom my parents could meet."

"What happened to the guy you were seeing in college?" Nalani raised a brow in surprise, crossing her arms as she tilted her body to see Hridyanshu. "Were you keeping an eye on my dating history?" Hridyanshu rolled his eyes. "My brothers and sister are obsessed with you. I don't have to keep an eye, they fill in all the details anyway."

Nalani laughed, leaning back in her seat. "We broke up when I shifted to India, we fell apart and it wasn't working out. It was a mutual breakup. We grew up, our ambitions and tastes changed."

"Hmm, you are going to select one from the five of them?"

"Honestly, I don't know." Nalani looked out of the window. She wasn't nervous or in a rush. In fact, she is in a calm phase. "I have choices. Why waste it and decide on one so easily? I will take my time and go on dates before I make my decision." After that, they fell into a comfortable silence. Nalani's words rang in Hridyanshu's mind.

He dropped her at the airport and watched her walk towards the entrance. Nalani turned around and smiled at Hridyanshu. She wasn't standing far away. "You know what, maybe you should start your bride hunt. You aren't getting any younger and I don't want to get married before you do."

Hridyanshu's lips turned up, it was his genuine smile. He was amused as Nalani laughed. "So better hurry up!"


Vrishali crossed her arms as she looked at Hridyanshu. Hridyanshu glanced at his mum before pushing the papers aside. "What happened, ma? How long are you planning to glare at me?"

"Why didn't you reply to my messages?"

"I was in a meeting, I sent you a message immediately when I was out of the meeting room." Hridyanshu looked up at the ceiling. "And you didn't reply or answer my calls."

"That was me ignoring you."


"Because you ignored my messages."

"Huh?" Hridyanshu gave a dumb look, not understanding how his dad puts up with their mum's tantrums. "Fine, your dad's busy. Let's go shopping. I haven't been with you and you always give stupid excuses whenever I ask you."

A horror look crossed Hridyanshu's face. "Shopping? Can't we go somewhere to have lunch?"

Vrishali gave a bright smile. "Nope, we are going shopping." Hridyanshu groaned, closing his eyes. "Why?"

"Because you are my baby," Vrishali squealed. "I will wear the new Lewis your dad has gifted. You wear jeans and a T-shirt, okay? Will meet in thirty minutes. You had better be ready." Vrishali rushed out of the office and went to her wing.


Hridyanshu rolled his eyes playfully while Vrishali made fun of him. "Thank your god, it was me, not Vidha."

"Mumma, you two are the same." Vrishali looked at Hridyanshu. They were walking down the mall. Vrishali looped her arm around Hridyanshu's. Hridyanshu is holding the shopping covers and now they are leaving the mall to have dinner with their dad and siblings.

"You know, my parents have been asking me if you are seeing anyone or if you have any plans on marrying anyone." Hridyansh became silent. "You don't worry, I have informed them that my younger one might get married first before my older one."

"Vidha?" Vrishali laughed. "Huh, like she would. Atulya, I'm talking about."


"He was joking saying he had found someone whom he might marry with no second thoughts. I don't know if that little rascal was pulling my leg or was being serious."

Vrishali looked at Hridyanshu. She knew that Mitali was in Jaipur and he went to meet her. Mitali was a nice woman but she didn't understand what went wrong. She wanted to ask Hridyanshu but she knew if she asked him, he wouldn't be saying anything. She is waiting for him to open up about it.

Padmanabh told her to give Hridyanshu space but she couldn't ignore him when she knew he was hurting. So she made a plan and decided to go shopping with him to keep his mind busy.

"But don't you like spending time alone with me?" Vrishali asked, looking at Hridyanshu as he opened the car door for her. "Of course, I enjoy time with you. You are my favourite."

"Lier, your dad is your favourite. But I will enjoy with what you have mentioned." Hridyanshu chuckled before going over to his side.


Awe, you guys are amazing! The next chapter will be updated when this chapter gets more than 25 likes! I'm starting to love interacting with you all here.

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