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Hello, a little bit of an early update because I won't be in at all tomorrow.

We're brought back to Knife and I's apartment which surprises me. The shiny building looms ahead of us before we turn to the right and Kyle drives through the parking lot. I instinctively look towards the area that houses Knife's bikes and cars.

I don't know the name of any of them, nor do I know if they're good, but I do have a favourite. The black bike he has with vines painted to look like they're twisting around the metal and strawberries hanging from the stems. He got it when we moved into the apartment. He was the only one to drive the back but it was my bike. I was just too terrified to drive it.

The irony of being a daughter, and property, of someone in a motorcycle club but not being able to drive a bike was not lost on me.

I was sure we would be brought back to the clubhouse to face the wrath of the other club members. They would have been pissed when they learned we had snuck out to a different town that was ruled by a different MC.

I shivered as I remembered bumping into the bikers earlier. They had known who we were and they were excited we were in their town. I could see it on their faces and sense it in the air.

One thing that came from being with a man who didn't show, or feel, emotions was that you picked up on little things. The way cruel eyes' lips tipped up slightly more when I walked over or the way his friend angled his body away from me so I didn't see his face.

Cruel Eyes was cocky, he thought even if I could identify him to Knife that he would be able to fight him off, his friend was smarter. He knew to listen to the rumours.

I try to think back to see if I could see their bodies in the massacre that awaited us outside of the club but my mind blanks on the image. My brain is trying to protect me from the horror of what we saw, it tries to gently turn me around to the Knife I know and love but the bloody image flashes in my mind like a warning light.

Kyle parks the car and hops out. Lana stays where she is, her hands folded nervously on her lap and waits for him to open her door. He does and helps her down, his hands moving to grasp her arm and pull her with him into the house.

Elliot opens his door and pulls Evelyn out with him, and I follow them out, pulling my dress down when it rides up too high.

Despite knowing he's the cause for everything that went down tonight, my body yearns for him. I want to feel the warmth of his skin against mine and feel his arms wrap around me protectively. I know others are safe when he's with me in the apartment.

The fire inside of him calms when we're alone together, he doesn't think of hurting people for little things.

It's a twisted thing, to want the man who caused the current inner turmoil. Logically, I know Knife is the cause for my emotions right now and I should be trying to run but emotionally? My body is screaming for him, only him.

It's bullshit.

The apartment is dark when we enter it, so I flip the switch that illuminates the entire place immediately and shuffle over to the sofa where Lana and Evelyn are already sitting. Kyle is stood across the room with his arms folded over his chest and his intense gaze focused solely on Lana. She shifts under his eyes, a blush spreading up her cheeks at being watching so intimately. She still looks pale from the sight that greeted us as we left the club so the red is even more prominent on her skin.

We're still on thin ice so I keep my voice light as I question Elliot. "How did you find us?" He pulls his attention away from Evelyn and onto me, I almost tell him never mind and pretend I didn't ask a question.

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