Get To The School

Start from the beginning

As soon as I get my footing she pushes me, slamming me against the bathroom door.

"You deceiving, cunt!" She takes a few steps back. "You think I'm going to fall for that?" She scoffs.

I groan and stand up straight.

"What are you"-

"You planed this didn't you? You want proof? You think kissing Stan will make me snap, so you can run off to the principal"!

"I have no idea"-

"Don't. Fucking. Lie again." She threatens.

I double down, determined.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I scream.

She takes a step towards me, pointing her finger into my chest, hard.

"Why?" She questions back "I told you, why".

She reaches down into my back pocket, grabbing my phone. I try to stop her but she doesn't let me. She pulls it out and smiles at it. Pointing it towards me. I watch, wide eyed, as Wendy ends the voice recording  I started with a giggle.

She smashes my phone to the ground, and it shatters into pieces.

"No!" I scream as I get down on my knees, staring at the broken pieces.

"You are a disgusting slut, and I'm going to make sure everyone. Knows. That." She mumbles at me.

That's it.. I lost-

"Good try". She whispers.

"Actually— it was, thank you." Cartman enters the bathroom, phone in hand.

"What the hell?" She growls.

"Cartman, no! My phone! I didn't"-

"You didn't, but we did". He smiles at me, evil and twisted— excited. It's oddly familiar.

Wendy backs up, looking around as Stan, Kyle, and Kenny walk in, surrounding her. She walks herself into a corner and gasps.

"You see Wendy— your smart, I'll give you that". Cartman sighs dramatically. "But I'm smarter.." he points to his head.

"What? You're gonna go to principal and fight for this bitches innocence? I broke her phone you fat fuck, I win." Wendy spits, tempting the devil himself as evil fights against evil.

"I warned you, told you to stay the fuck, away from him!"

"Ill fucking kill you, whore."

"You are a disgusting slut, and I'm going to make sure everyone. Knows. That."

Cartman plays the voice recording, loud. It echoes through the walls and back at her.

He raises his brow at her.

"T-that could be anyone!" She shouts.

Cartman sighs. "Stan?"

Stan pulls his phone out, and swipes through pictures he took. Some of Wendy on top of me, some of her smashing my phone.

She gasps and covers her mouth.

"No, no! That was self defense!" She tries.

I go to speak, to defend myself when Cartman stops me and motions to Kyle.

Kyle pulls out his own phone and starts a video of the whole conflict, starting with Wendy throwing me to the floor. I flinch as I relive it, suddenly Aching.

..."Wen-dy!" I choke.

"Ill fucking kill you, whore."

"Ack— Why?"

"You deceiving, cunt!"
"You think I'm going to fall for that?" She scoffs.

"What are you"-

"You planed this didn't you? You want proof? You think kissing Stan will make me snap, so you can run off to the principal"...

"Good try". She whispers.

Wendy is speechless as the video plays, her façade cracks as the looks around. Shes pinned, no where to run, no where to hide as she watches herself along with the rest of South Park. The video has been posted, shared and live-streamed everywhere and to everyone. There is no one who hasn't seen it yet. In an attempt to ruin me, she had ruined herself, and it hits her like a truck as she cries and runs out of the bathroom. We run after her, outside to see her running down the street in the opposite direction of us.

I look around at the other boys, as they look to me. I don't know what to say, what to think. So many emotions run through me at once I feel dizzy.

"We... we did it." I scoff.

Each boy takes a turn, looking to me and smiling in realization.

"We did it! Holy shit, we fucking did it!" I jump around, celebrating.

I throw myself to the closest person, jumping into their arms. Stan wraps his hands around my waist and pick me up off my feet, spinning me around as we embrace.

We're laughing together, along with everyone else. He sets me down and I grab Kenny and Kyle's shoulders.

"We won!" I yell to them.

"Not yet, we haven't." Cartman crosses his arms.

I look at him.

"We gotta get to the school." He scowls.

I realize what's next and look to the others. I grab Kenny's hand and pull him along.

"Come on!" I laugh as everyone follows us.

Cartman pulls Stan's arm back, stopping the two.

"I will deal with you, later."

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