Looks Good On You

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I'm sitting on the floor, in a room that's not mine. Surround by boys I just met. I feel comfortable, more comfortable then I have the past week.
Things could be worse.

They might get worse.

I brush that thought away quickly and Kyle looks at me. I shake my head and he drops it.

That was awful.

I hope she's not still thinking about it.
Shit— I still am.

I knew I shouldn't have invited Cartman, but he wouldn't stop pestering me about it. I want to punch the shit out of him. She's a nice girl, she doesn't deserve that. I want to kick him out of my damn house.

I sigh, looking over at my neighbor— my friend— she looks like she's calmed down now. I never want to see that expression on her face again. I'll fucking kill him. I can't really ever tell what she's thinking about.  I caught on to her a while ago, she's really damn good at hiding her feelings. I don't want her to feel like she has to do that with me, but I don't know why.

'Cause we're friends.

Yeah, but I hardly know her. Maybe one day I'll get her to open up. I'll keep trying.

She's laughing, why is she laughing?

Fucking Kenny..

He's all over her, god! I told him he needs to chill around her. She's not some hit it and quit it, she's one of us.

At least I hope she is.

I'll ask the guys about it later.

Damn, Kenny's all over her.

I can't tell if she's uncomfortable, I can never tell with girls. I feel like I'm going to be sick. That's always how I feel around girls. She seems cool though, maybe she's one of us?

I'll ask the guys about it later.

Shes totally into me.

She's all over me!

Or maybe it's me..

Is she one of us?

I'll ask the guys about it later.

I can't believe fucking Kenny hit me. Asshole!

I'll get back at them, they'll see...

She's not one of us right? I don't want some chick in our group, that's weird.

I'll ask the guys about it later.

The guys are acting weird, like they're lost in thought.
I'm laughing with Kenny when I die for the 4th time this level.

"Ugh, this is to hard for me!"

"Mmmhh hmmm hhm mmhh!" Kenny's yells, I can't understand what he said though.

"Dude, gross." Stan complains, and I hear Cartman chuckle.

"Wanna do something else"? Kyle asks, looking at me.

"Like what?" I inquire, eyebrow raised.

"Mmh." (Me) Kenny calmly suggest, wiggling his brows at me.

"Gosh..." I look away, red.

Is he flirting with me?

"I think Tweeks' is open". Stan suggests blankly.

"What's Tweeks?" I ask Kyle.

"Our friends, parents' coffee shop".


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