One of Us, And Snow

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"...And that's why The Coon, is my favorite. He's the best one". Cartman had told me after a long winded explanation that was mostly one sided, and carried no real evidence.

"Please, he has no real superpowers!" I argued back, waving him off.

"Does too! Two words— "Coon.. DNA".. he say waving his hands in the air dramatically, like he had just won this argument.

Me and Kenny roll our eyes at him, when we hear the others walk up behind us, drinks in hand but halfway gone.

"Come on dude, you did not just tell her about The Coon". Stan begrudgingly stated.

"You want to know about the hero group"? Kyle asked a little embarrassed, as the boys sit down at the table.

"Yeah, I heard you guys talking about it with Craig".. I look down feeling silly.

Aren't we a little to old for superhero's?

"Well, I think Toolshed's the best, way cooler then 'The Coon'." Stan says in finger quotes.

"Wait- how many hero's are there?" I gasped.

"If I remember correctly— there were about 12"... Kyle rubs the back of his neck.
"..And Human Kite was obviously the best". 

"Was"? I ask him.

"No one's seen them in years.." Stan trails off.

"Mmh". Kenny scoffs.

The boys give him a look, with their eyebrows raised.

"Mhhmhh". (Mysterion) he says, like it was obvious.

The boys look at each other and then back at Kenny.

"No dude.. No one's seen him either". Kyle almost threatens him.

"Actually I heard— through the grapevine of course— that he still roams". Cartman said a little to dramatically. Waving his hands in the air slowly.

"Mmh". Kenny agrees. "Mmh mh Mmhm". (Maybe you'll meet him one day) he wiggles his eyebrows at me, leaning in closer.

"Really?" I gawk at him, a little to excited.

"No. No way dude. They promised never to come out again." Kyle states harshly.


They all look at me.

"Too many people hurt". Stan looks away.

"Isn't that part of the job?" I quiz.

They all look away now.

"Damn, I really wanted to meet Mysterion". I say sadly.

The boys give each other a look, that's quickly turns into competitive smiles.

"Actually, I heard they might be out soon, maybe.. sometime throughout the week?" Cartman says at the boys more then at me.

"Really? no way!" I yell.
"Where"- I'm about to ask when I'm cut off by Cartman.

"I guess we'll just have to see who she runs into first"..

The boys eye each other.

The rest of the day wasn't as interesting, we finished our drinks and decided to head back to Kyle's place. The boys decided they wanted to watch a movie but ended up bickering about which one for 10 minutes. So I suggest we watch a horror film. I tell everyone that horror is my favorite, but I'm actually a huge pussy. I know watching this movie will hurt me later when I'm trying to sleep, but I'm not thinking about that right now. We picked a boring one anyway. Lame jump scares that I pretend don't get to me, but I'm slowly moving closer to Kenny for comfort unknowingly.

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