Chapter 7: Esidisi's Burning Blood!

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With this finally out of my way, I took a deep breath and followed the Pillar man out across the spikes, using Hamon in my feet to balance myself, Joseph remained constantly on guard, preparing for the opening to step-in.

Stepping carefully, I stood in front of the Pillar Man and declared "If you want that stone so badly. You will have to face me to get it. I'll be taking your nose ring for Joseph as well while I'm at it."

For a moment, Esidisi seemed taken aback before leaning forward and asking "I don't believe we've met, who are you again?" I assumed a combative stance before introducing "My name is Gyalzen, the man you just needlessly murdered was my instructor. For that I intend to make you pay."

Esidisi gave a slight shrug "He got in my way and got what he deserved, as will you if you don't step aside. I've got no interest or time for dealing with you." From outside the spike pit, Joseph yelled out "Time? You have way more time than me!" 

Esidisi gave him a sideways glance saying "That was sharp, I think you've grown smarter. But-." Turning back to me, he continued "-When somebody looks at me like that, they're asking to die." 

My stance strengthened as I said "I'm ready for you." Esidisi didn't move though and instead said once more "I'll tell you once more, get out of my way! Touch me and you'll lose half of your body!" I smirked and declared "I would like to see you try 'Esidisi'."  I said his name with a twang to it that made the Pillar Man's eye twitch angrily.

Within an instant, he swung his arm at me. I just about had time to take in a deep breath and counter the blow with a punch, the breath allowed me to conduct Hamon into my fist. It was because of this that I was able to effectively STOP the Pillar man's attack in its tracks.

This did not go unnoticed, Esidisi raised an eyebrow, commenting "Oh? You possess bravery boy. To attack me after seeing what I'd done to your master. I'd expected JoJo to rush-in head first. But you don't know what we're capable of. I suppose I should commend you on your effort."

I didn't respond which caused Esidisi's eyes to widen as he exclaimed "But you're a fool to think you have a chance! I'll boil you alive from the inside!" With that he swung his knee forward in an effort to catch me off guard!

I flipped back, channelling Hamon into my hands to prevent them being impaled on the spikes. I could hear Joseph calling out "Gyalzen!" I landed back on my feet only to be met with a swift elbow to my stomach.

I doubled over and coughed up blood. The blow itself was only the beginning, straight after the initial attack's pain subsided, I began to feel a burning sensation. I didn't know what it was but I knew whatever it was, I couldn't let it continue.

In a sudden abrupt motion, I kicked my leg upwards, striking Esidisi on the chin, distracting him long enough for me to gain some distance between us. Once I was further away, I still felt that odd burning feeling in my stomach.

I clasped the injured area and caught my breath for a moment, it was at this point I noticed Esidisi's elbow, a column of steam was emitting from it. I began "What the-." However I soon found myself at a loss for words.

What was this? The steam wasn't created from me, it was definitely tied to that burning sensation I felt earlier. Esidisi smirked, confirming my suspicion when he went on to explain. "Behold, my heat Mode. I am capable of heating my blood up to five HUNDRED degrees Celsius. I wasn't lying when I said I'd boil you alive from the inside."

He lowered his elbow and I was finally able to get to my feet. He said "I had hoped to end this in one strike, but I suppose a clumsy elbow won't be enough. Time to up the ante a bit, wouldn't you SAY?!" He yelled the last part and raced forward once more.

The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency x Male O/C)Where stories live. Discover now