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''Guys! Wake the fuck up!''

They're rather rudely awoken by Suna, the fox-like male sprinting from person to person to make sure they're awake. When they're up and standing he throws bags and backpack at the still half-asleep boys.

''What's going on?'' Bokuto asks with a yawn, eyes threatening to fall shut again.

Suna looks panicked and his voice is low and hurried when he answers, ''People. There are people heading this way''

As if on cue, they can hear low whispers coming from outside the door.

The group suddenly sobers up, expressions turning serious. Kuroo gestures to the stairs leading up to the second floor, ''There's a hidden door behind the stairs that leads outside''

He is barely done speaking before Suga is out the door while dragging Hinata behind him. They move quickly and Oikawa silently closes the door behind them. The rain has stopped, but it's still dark outside and the fog hasn't cleared up, still hanging heavy in the air.

They're playing a dangerous game.

Iwaizumi wordlessly gestures to the forest in front of them. The trees are tall, but easy to climb up and they look stabile enough.

Akaashi is the first to climb up one of the trees, disappearing behind thick leaves. He comes back some seconds later and hold up two fingers before he disappears again. The group quickly makes a decision and Tsukishima helps Hinata up the first step before he follows suit. The remaining boys watch until they lose sight of the duo before they too, climbs up trees in groups of three or two.

Suga settles down as comfortably as he can against the trunk of the tree. He looks up to see Suna several inches higher up than him, and when he turns and looks in the other direction, he can see Oikawa lounging on a branch somewhere below him.

''This is the safest we can do for now'' He thinks as he tries to spot the remaining of the group. He thinks he can see something moving between some branches a few meters away from them, but he isn't sure. He can't see clearly.

''Well, better get comfortable, this is going to be some long hours''


Sitting still in a tree, several meters above the ground isn't something Tsukishima would even consider before, but here he is, sitting on a branch and surrounded by leaves.

But sitting here has given him some time to think.

And if his conclusions are right, they may be done with this zombie apocalypse sometime next year.

He is shaken out of his train of thoughts when he hears something moving down on the ground. He holds his breath and tries to get a look. There's movement under the tree next to them. But something is wrong.

It doesn't sound anything like footsteps, more like if someone was dragging a heavy bag along the ground. When he finally identifies where the sound is coming from, he has to clasp a hand over his mouth to keep quiet.

He quickly looks up to see Akaashi has spotted the same, his hands clasped tightly around a nearby branch. Hinata too, has seen the thing moving along the ground. And he had to turn away.

The thing, Tsukishima assumes it's a zombie, is one of the most disgusting creatures he has seen so far. And that says a lot.

The thing doesn't have a lower body. It looks like it had been chewed off on the torso and it's inside dragging on the ground behind it, leaving trails of black behind it, as well as chunks of its guts behind it. All skin on its fingers is gone, only the bones left, as a result of dragging itself along the stone filled ground. Though the worst part has to be its face.

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