On the road

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It's now been 3 hours since Bokuto came back with Hinata. 2 hours since everyone in the back fell asleep and 1 hour since Kuroo started blabbering nonsense.

Tsukishima had been studying his boyfriend for the last 5 minutes and decided the guy deserved some sleep after driving for so long.

''Kuroo? You wanna switch?''

''Awww, Tsukki, you care!''

''Kuroo, I swear to God. If you want to continue driving, be my guest.'' He turned towards the window, smirking.

''No wait, I was joking!''

''Turn over then''

5 minutes later Tsukishima was standing outside the car, gazing at the empty highway. He let his eyes wander around, no other creatures in sight, thank god.

Kuroo was staring outside, the others still asleep. He stepped on the gass, driving off.


He hummed.

''I love you''

Tsukishima turned his face away from Kuroo so he wouldn't see that he was indeed, blushing.

''I love you too...'' He mumbled, but Kuroo knew.

''I'm gonna sleep. See you later''

''Sleep well''

Not even 5 seconds later, snoring was heard.
Tsukishima looked amused at him.
He shook his head and turned back to the road.


Akaashi slowly opened his eyes. It took some time adjusting to the light but when he did, he saw orange.

''What the?.... Oh, it's Hinata''

Memories from earlier flooded his mind.
He shook his head to get rid of them, turning his attention to the ones in the front seats.

Kuroo was snoring against the window and
Tsukishima was driving. Tsukishima must have sensed his eyes on him, ''You up?''

Tsukishima had indeed noticed the movements Akaashi made in the back.

''Yeah. How long have you been driving?''

''About an hour''

''You wanna switch? I know you don't like driving''

''Yeah, thanks Akaashi''

5 minutes later, Tsukishima turned over and switched seats with Akaashi. He ended up as a pillow for Hinata but after hearing about what happened to him, he couldn't bring himself to push him off. Just this one time.

About 30 minutes later everyone was awake.
They were making conversations until Akaashi suddenly slowed down and the car rolled to a stop.

''Guys...'' Everyone looked confused at Akaashi.

Akaashi pointed out the front rear.
They followed his finger.

''Oh, holy shit....''


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