You aren't safe anywhere

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The car pulls up in front of their base 1 hour before midnight.

The base is what used to be Fukurodani Academy, before it was abandoned to rotten.

They have cameras set up all around the school and chains on the front gate, preventing zombies, and people, from getting in.

''Kuroo, open up''

Some seconds later the gate opens and Akaashi drives in. Tsukishima glances back at the closing gates; you know, just to be sure.

The car stopped in front of the main door into the academy. Akaashi stopped the car and jumped out. Bokuto picked up their backpacks before jumping out, running inside.

Tsukishima and Akaashi followed in a slower tempo.

To bad they forgot to lock the door.


After hearing Akaashi's voice and seeing the car, Kuroo opened the front gates, making sure to close it after they got in.

Some minutes later he saw Bokuto (on the cameras) running in the hallways toward the cafeteria with their backpacks, probably filled with canned-food and water. Tsukishima and Akaashi was following right behind him.

He smiles, raising up from the chair. He streches his back, hearing a satisfaying crack, before leaving the camera room, walking toward the cafeteria.

When he get there he sees his boyfriend standing with the back towards him and an idea popped up in his head. Smirking, he run and jumpes on Tsukishima's back, making them both fall on the ground, Kuroo on top of the taller.

''Tsukkibro, you're back! I missed youuuu!''

''Kuroo get off me'' Tsukishima said, basically growling.

''But its comfortable here''

'' Kuroo if you don't get off me, I swear to Satan, I'm gonna cut of your other pinkie''

Kuroo whined, burrying his face into his boyfriend's hair.

They heard small chuckles coming from the door leading into the kitchen. The couple looks up in sync, seeing Akaashi and Bokuto trying (key word trying) to hold in their laughter. ''You guys are so cute'' Bokuto says in a high pitched voice.

Kuroo jumpes off, sending them a glare but that just made them burst out laughing. He ignored them, instead offering Tsukishima a hand, helping him off the ground.


 Tsukishima brushed of his pants, his cheeks tinted red. Kuroo could clearly see that he was embarrassed.

''Ehm....I'm gonna go the classroom....yeah''

Tsukishima walks off, Kuroo following him with his gaze until he dissaperes behind the corner.

''Kuroo, you should seen your face! It was hilarious! Right Kaashi!?''

Kuroo looks at Akaashi, and to his suprise Akaashi was laughing so much his eyes were wet with tears.

''Did I really look that bad? Oh fuck, I fucking  whined!''

''Yeah, bro, you did''

''How did you know what I was thinking?!''

''It's called brokinese''

''Cool, I want that to!!!''

''Sure bro, I learn you!''


Zombies started gathering at the front gate, clawing at it. One of them, a small girl, got through the sprinkles on the front gate, making her way inside.

What idiot forgot to lock the doors?


''I'm gonna go talk to Tsukishima'' Akaashi says, standing up from where he was seated at the floor, unpacking the last backpack.

Bokuto and Kuroo waves at him while he makes his way into the hallway.

Akaashi grows more and more anxious with each step he takes. He has always liked being alone, but after the virus took over, destroying everything in it's way, he has developed a fear of being alone.

And it's was late and they don't have power.
No power means no energy meaning no light.

He takes a deep breath before making his way to the classroom they use to sleep in.


He would be lying if he said he wasn't a little scared. I mean.... they are in a fucking zombie apocalypse and he is all alone.

In a dark hallway.

With only the dim moonlight shining through the windows.

His palms was a little sweaty so he dried them off on his cargo pants.


Akaashi reach the top of the stairs. Suddenly he felt something grabbing at his feet making him kick out of reflex and loose his balance.

He yelps as he trips and falls down the stairs, breath getting punched out of him each time he hit the steps. God, why was the staircase this long?

He finally reach the ground, hitting his head hard on the stone floor. A groan escape his lips and he open his eyes grogily. Everything hurts and his sight is a blur.

That's when he noticed the wetness dripping on his cheek. He lifted his hand and wiped at it harshly. Looking at his hand he saw a thick, dark liq- WAIT! His eyes sprung wide open.

Infront of him is a horrifying sight.

A gir- zombie girl was standing over him. Half her face was gone, and the remaining eyeball hung out of the eyehole. Worms were hanging out of the left eye. But that wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part is that all the flesh on her stomach is gone, making all her rotten organs hang out of the body. He can see the fucking ribs!

Akaashi feels sick.

Suddenly, the zombie moves, flying towards him trying to get a bite of his skin.

He roll over on his stomach and tries standing up, but that just makes everything so much worse.

He is dizzy and the world starts spinning around him. Did he really hit his head that hard? Huh, he kinda feel like throwing up.

Slowly, he backs up from the zombie while it limp after him. But then his back hit the wall.


There is nowhere else to go.

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