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They had been driving for the past 2 hours and Bokuto really, really, ReAlLy had to pee! And the fact that Akaashi was laying with his head in his lap, adding preassure on hin bladder wasn't helping. Like, at all.

Tsukishima was sitting in the passenger seat, leaning on the window and occasionally letting out low snores.

''Psst, Kuroo!'' Bokuto leaned forward, poking Kuroo's head.

''Yeah?'' He replied without taking his eyes off the road.

'' I need to pee!''

'' You're joking, right?'' They couldn't just stop in the middle of nowhere, without knowing what was lurking around in the bushes.

Bokuto looked down, mumbling. ''no''

Kuroo sighted and pulled to a stop, turning of the enginee. ''Be quick''

Bokuto nodded while slowly getting up, trying to not wake up the sleeping beauty in his lap.
He got out of the car and walked some meters away from the car, behind some bushes.

''Ahhh, that was nice'' Bokuto zipped up his zipper, turning around to leave when he heard a strange sound. It sounded like someone was crying. But that wasn't possible?

He decided to following the sound, ignoring the voice in his head (that suspiciously sounded like Tsukishima) telling him to get back to the car.

He followed the sound, eventually arriving on the outskirt of a small clearing hidden between bushes and tall grass.

In the middle sat a painfully familiar boy with flaming hair. The boy was craddling a mini version of himself. The corpse in his arms were slowly turning into that disgusting purple colour.

Bokuto didn't really know how to approach the boy. A side effect of no human contact for so long.

He settled on his signature greeting.
''Hey hey hey,''

The boy looked up at Bokuto, shock filling his brown eyes.



It's been 10 minutes since Bokuto went to pee, and he hasn't returned. Kuroo is slowly getting concerned for his bro and is now wondering if he should wake up the others, or go look for him himself.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to do either of those, as Bokuto emerged from the side road. The only problem is, why the fuck is he bringing with him some random boy?

When they got closer he recognised the boy. Of course, how could he ever forget that short boy who befriended Kenma and then defeated them at the volleyball court?

He watched silently as they approached the car. Bokuto looked guilty as he opened the car door.

Akaashi startled awake by the sound and blinked sleepily at the newcomers. When he caught sight at the short boy behind his boyfriend he scooted over, making place for everyone.

Akaashi opened his arms and slightly smiled, silently inviting the boy into him embrace. Wasting no time, the ginger jumped into Akaashi's embrace. Bokuto followed suit and closed the door.

Kuroo had so many questions to ask, but the looks he received from the boys in the back seats made him shut his mouth and focuse on getting them back on the road.

He wordlessly started the car back up and then they were back on track.


When Tsukishima wole up, he was meet with the sight of trees on either side of the car. The second thing he noticed was the boy huddled up in between Akaashi and Bokuto.


Said boy smiled sheepishly and scratched nervously at his nape. ''Heh, hello Tsukishima, long time no see''

Kuroo took his eyes of the road, looking up in the rear mirror. ''You got some explaining to do, Tangerine''

Hinata laughed nervously. ''Hehhe.....well, it's a long story''

Kuroo quirked an eyebrow. ''Oh belive me, we have time.''

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