forty five | day of the moon

Start from the beginning

In turn, the Doctor said to him, "Good work, Canton. Door sealed?"

Canton replied, "You bet."

It was then that– at the same time that the Doctor had stood up from his chair and removed the straitjacket and the chains from himself, along with Amy and Rory sitting up in their body bags with a gasp– Annabelle sat up straight, opened her eyes, lost every bit of tension that was previously shown on her before breaking herself out of the hold that the rope had on her.

And while Annabelle simply pulled the rope off of herself and let it land onto the floor of the prison, the Doctor asked Rory, "You okay?"

Then Amy said, "Finally."

As Rory started to get himself out of the body bag that he was put inside of, he said, "These things could really do with air holes."

With a shake of his head, Canton replied, "Never had a complaint before."

While Rory and Amy started to stand up like Annabelle and the Doctor were, Amy asked Canton, "Isn't it going to look odd that you're staying in here with us?"

Canton told her, "Odd, but not alarming. They know there's no way out of this place."

Then the Doctor said, "Exactly. Whatever they might think we're doing in here, they know we're not going anywhere."

Then he pushed himself backwards into his invisible TARDIS before opening it with a mere snap of his fingers as he said, "Shall we?"

While the five of them hurriedly entered the TARDIS, Canton asked the Doctor, "What about Dr. Song? She dove off a rooftop!"

As he closed the door to the TARDIS behind himself, the Doctor replied, "Don't worry. She does that. Amy, Annabelle, Rory, open all the doors to the swimming pool."

* * *

While River only continued to dry her hair with a towel, the Doctor made his way around the controls as he said, "So, we know they're everywhere. Not just a landing party, an occupying force. And they've been here a very, very long time. But nobody knows that, 'cause no one can remember them."

Canton asked him, "So what are they up to?"

The Doctor replied, "No idea. But the good news is... we've got a secret weapon."

Then– after the Doctor had landed the TARDIS and quickly ran out of it with the others close behind him– River asked the Doctor, "Apollo 11's your secret weapon?"

In turn, the Doctor said to her, "No, no, it's not Apollo 11, that would be silly. It's Neil Armstrong's foot."

* * *

After the Doctor had pressed a device into Canton's palm and Canton said 'ow', the Doctor started to make his way around towards the others as he said, "Ha! So, three months. What have we found out?"

Rory told him, "Well, they are everywhere. Every state in America." Then– after the device was used on him– he yelled, "Ow!"

In turn, the Doctor said to him, "Not just America, the entire world."

Then River said, "There's a great concentration here, though."

Then– after the device was used on Amy's palm– Amy said, "Ow!"

With a nod of his head, the Doctor asked Amy, "You okay?"

After a couple seconds of silence, Amy said with a nod of her head, "All better."

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