Nayef Aguerd - Words like a Dagger

Start from the beginning

"Y/n, you look so beautiful" Maria, (Lucas Paqueta's wife) said smiling and giving you a hug

"Thank you Maria, so do you" you beamed

A long while passed and Nayef had not been back, you got worried and went to check on what was going on, he did say he would be back soon, but it was way past that deadline.

"Girls you'll have to excuse me I'll have to take your leave" you said and got up from your seat

"Bye y/n" the girls echoed

You went around most of the house only seeming to find the guys.

"Ziyech!" You called out finally getting the chance to see the birthday boy

"Y/n! How nice to see you"

"Happy Birthday Hakim!"

"Thank you y/n, enjoying the party?"

"Yes I am, I just had some snacks and chatted with the girls, but have you seen Nayef anywhere?" You asked him

"He was with us but he left quite awhile from where we were at, he's probably just chatting with the rest of the guys somewhere"

"Okay thanks, bye enjoy your party!"

"Thanks, hope you find Nayef" he said and walked off

After looking for a while, you had finally   found Nayef, but with a girl deep into a conversation laughing away, the girl clearly enjoying his company too much and touching his upper arm while laughing. You didn't want to rush into conclusions that he had ditched you to talk to this girl but thats clearly what was happening. And you could feel the jealously burn up in you even through you trying so hard to fight it off.

You wanted to go up to him and give him a piece of your mind, but clearly this was Ziyech's Birthday party and you had no intention of ruining it for him and everyone else because of your  relationship issue.

You just decided to walk around and grab something to drink until he found you.

"Love" he said and held your hand, you instantly shook his hand off you, not giving in to his tactics after what he had done.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused by your actions

"Just take me home Nayef" you ordered, which made him nod his head, you already being ahead and reaching the car before him out of your clear anger.

You both got in the car, and you stayed silent waiting for him to speak.

"You seemed off at the party y/n?"

"Off? What do you mean off?" You asked toying with him

"I mean you shook your hand away from me when I held it, and you didn't talk to me till now"

"Don't play dumb Nayef, you know what  you did!" You raised your voice letting the anger excelerate in you

"And what did I do Y/n!" He shouted back

"You spent the whole damn time at the party with that girl! She had her hands all over you and what did you do you were laughing with her!"

"Y/n, are you seriously jealous of me just talking to a girl?"

"No! Its not that but im seriously angry that you could just throw your girlfriend  aside for another girl"

"Stop with this Y/n, I was just socializing"

"Like that?"

"I can't have friends now?!" He shouted louder than you have ever heard him

"You know that's not what I said, You're making me crazy Nayef!"

"And you're making me regret ever meeting you y/n!" He shouted, making you stay silent. Did he really mean that?

You stayed silent, processing what he just said, and thats when you started to cry. Letting harsh tears flow down your face.

"I didn't mean that y/n, you know it" he said and wiped a tear away from your face

"Then why did you say it?" You asked choking on your words

"I'm sorry it was out of anger, I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry, I love you, You know that it's just that when I get angry I say stupid things"

"Nayef, you meant it"

"I promise I didn't my love, If I could take back what I said I would, please forgive me, I'm at fault and yet I got angry at you, I'd never do that again"

You sniffled a cry, making him hug you and kiss your forehead.

"Please, I'm sorry, you can even hit me because I'm such a idiot for saying that"

"Shh, that's enough Nayef, I'd never hit you, stop saying sorry now"

"So you forgive me, Love?"

"Not just yet, you're going to have to buy me chocolates as a apology"

"I'll buy you a whole shop full of chocolates just for you to forgive me"

"I do forgive you now"you smiled and hugged him

"I learnt my lesson, I'm sorry this mouth of mine is really bad"

"Its okay, I know you feel bad but I'm okay now, I can't stay mad at you and I'm sorry for getting jealous, I know you would never think about being with another girl"

"No don't say sorry, It was all me, you're the only one for me y/n,remember that"

"Good because you're the only one for me too my Nayef"

"I love you beautiful"

"I love you too my handsome"

Authors Note
Thank u for the request ak_sh7 hope this did you justice. Had no idea how to make this scenario perfect but i tried - Abby ♡

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