Chapter 28 • vulnerable

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Raiden Ei's eyes widen at the sight of her precious lover she hasn't seen in what felt like forever.

"Ei... You're not gonna invite me in?" She grinned and Ei couldn't help but cave in at her request. Yae was amused at how vulnerable Ei became in contrast with the stern expression she carried while opening the door. Before she saw Yae.

"Miko, what're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the shrine?" Ei asked as she prepared the hot water to make tea for the two.

"Are you not happy?" Yae teased now sitting at the table watching Ei's every move.

Ei simply drew a gentle smile without looking up. Her smile was almost relieving. She didn't remember the last time she was able to express any emotion other than anger or frustration.

"I've missed you Ei," Yae returned the smile. It was quite amusing to her watching Ei's face glow a soft pink. "But~ it seems like you haven't changed one bit in all this time." Yae leaned back in her chair and watched Ei's body tense up once again.

"Whatever do you mean?" Ei finally poured the two teas and joined Yae where she was sitting.

"You can't keep treating Kunikuzushi as your puppet, he has emotions as well," Yae said, completely ignoring the cup placed in front of her.

Ei paused in thought but quickly argued. "As my successor, he must learn. Look how he's become after getting scolded once, he left because he couldn't handle it." Her voice was filled with annoyance but she never once raised her voice.

"Ei..." Yae's voice was full of sadness and even empathy. Empathy for both Ei and Scaramouche. But before Yae could continue Ei cut her off.

"If you're here to change my mind I'm afraid you're wasting your time." Ei's stern look almost returned but she was unable to be so cold toward Yae.

Yae knew this. Yae knew Ei would listen to her and try to understand her words. Which is why she didn't give up. "Ei, why don't you believe Kunikuzushi can manage it?"

"I believe if he tried harder he'd be able to. Having a girlfriend would just be a bother." Ei stated clearly with not a hint of hesitation.

And to Ei's surprise, Yae simply smiled as she picked up her tea and took a small sip.

Moments later Yae returned her full attention to Ei, her grin never leaving her lips. "Ei, do you truly believe he won't be able to succeed if he had a lover?"

Ei seemed to think about it for a moment then responded. "Yes, I am certain."

"But you're able to maintain a relationship while working?" Yae pointed out and seemed to enjoy watching Ei get placed into such thought with those words.

"There's a large difference between Kunikuzushi and I's priorities. I believe he wouldn't be able to handle the two at once." Ei said ever so strictly.

Yae paused and her grin became erased. "Ei, I'm sure if you placed your trust in him you'd be surprised at what he can do."

"Miko my apologies but again, if you came here just to talk about this you're wasting your time." Ei's voice had suddenly risen and her tone became completely serious.

Suddenly footsteps came from the stairway revealing a purple-haired figure, almost identical to Ei.

"Yae, it's great to see you again." Shogun smiled as she bowed before Yae.

"Likewise. Ah, I must thank you for inviting me." Yae smiled. A drop of sweat seemed to drop from Shogun's forehead as she watched Ei's minimalistic reaction.

Shogun was about to escape when Yae called out to her. "Shogun, will you please get me in contact with Kunikuzushi?"

Unsure, Shogun agreed and left the room.

Yae put her hands together and clapped as she turned back to Ei. "Now then, why don't I make you something to eat?"


"Are you sure he's fine?" You asked Kazuha for confirmation for probably the billionth time but by Kazuha's laugh he didn't mind all that much.

"Yes Y/n, he's at my house probably blasting music like always." Kazuha smiled as he eased your worry once again.

"I think Y/n might care about Scaramouche, not sure though." Childe teased before taking a bite of his candy bar.

"I have no idea where you got that idea."

Now that Scaramouche and you had talked through everything and all doubts were finally settled everything seemed to be much happier.

Of course, the worry of Ei possibly figuring out your little secret never left your mind. But Kazuha seemed so confident in Scaramouche's safety that you ended up convincing yourself that no harm would come.

"Ah, Scaramouche wanted me to invite you over today." Kazuha reminded himself before turning to Childe who was about to speak. "Childe, you may come as well." Childe snorted at Kazuha's answer to the question he hadn't even asked yet.

"Is it safe for me to go through?" You felt the need to ask as it had only been a couple of days since Scaramouche left home.

Kazuha nodded before responding to you. "It should be fine."

"Is it safe for me to go?" Childe joked while leaning towards you, ever so slightly pushing you.

"Hmm... I'm not sure. You should stay for safety precautions." Kazuha responded with a joke too but his acting was so perfect that he almost sounded serious.

Kazuha stood up before looking towards you and Childe. "Well then, shall we leave?"


sorry 4 slow updates😪i have like no inspo to write this lmaoo but im gonna be finishing this fic soon and im rlly excited to start rewriting it :)

thats all ily mwah <33

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