Chapter 26 • tea party

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"You better take care of Neko right."

"I'm gonna train her to hate you so that when you come back she attacks you."

"Fuck you."

"Bye Kunikuzushi, take care."


Kunikuzushi wasn't a loyal man. He always found life to be an everyone for themselves type of thing. He always tried to prevent his mind from getting attached to people who could freely leave him.

Friends or partners were merely temporary happiness that would one day hurt him. Whether it be from betrayal or death. He knew for sure that he would get hurt.

So why did he find himself sneaking out of his house through the backyard and then over a fence for someone?

He wondered if his perspective had changed overall or if it was just Y/n. He'd never think of doing this and risking so much for anyone else. His whole future would be affected.

As Raiden Ei's only son, there were plans to have him run her company some years ahead. Until he turns eighteen Ei and Shogun run the company for the time being. He hated the idea but knew it was bound to happen. The job required dedicating his whole life to the work. Work he didn't care for.

But for almost an eternity he knew he'd have to do it anyway. That was until he met Y/n. He didn't want to have to part from her. He watched how lonely Ei and her girlfriend Yae would become after being apart for so long, they managed but Scaramouche wouldn't be able to.

He realized just how obsessed he is. Of course, he'd never admit to such a ridiculous addiction. Scaramouche was forever grateful that mind readers didn't exist. But perhaps he'd let himself express just a small portion of his love for her.

"Y/n, why don't you come over to my place today?" Kazuha was just about to walk you home from a sickening day of school. Yes, you were happy to be friends with Yoimiya once again but nothing was the same without Scaramouche. You couldn't help but cringe at just how quickly you became obsessed with that indigo-haired boy.

"What about me?" Childe pouted and it was anything but cute.

"Sure, the more the merrier." Kazuha gave Childe a smile. "So Y/n?" Kazuha persisted.

"Alright." Like always, you knew it'd feel weird hanging out without Scaramouche but you knew it'd be better than moping around. Plus, Sayu was going over to her friend's house right after school so it's not like you'd have anything to do besides study and listen to music.

That didn't sound too bad now that you thought about it, unfortunately, the plan was already agreed to. "Perfect, I'm sure it'll help ease your mind," Kazuha said almost like he could read your thoughts.

Unlike other times, the walk there was full of chatter and teasing. Mainly all Childe. "Kazuha, why'd you move to Narukami?" He asked. "My family travels a lot and I've moved schools a ton. I was supposed to move again but decided to stay here while they went on exploring the world." Kazuha's voice was as gentle as ever.

"Aww! It's cause you love us so much!" Childe beamed as he threw his arm around Kazuha's shoulder, making him almost trip from the amount of weight he placed on him. "Mmm... I simply like the peace Inazuma has. It's very different from the winds of Liyue or Mondstadt."

"Wait so you live by yourself?" Childe came to the shock of realization that yet another of his friends lives by themselves. Kazuha nodded and was followed by yelling from Childe, "Is that how you smoke so much?! You literally come to sch-" Childe's voice was muffled after his mouth got covered by Kazuha's hand.

Can you leave me alone now? • Scaramouche X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now