Chapter 17 • love and onigiri

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Waking up to an obnoxious alarm piercing your ears wasn't the most pleasant start of what you imagined to be a not so great day.

You were debating even going to school in the first place. Seeing Yoimiya and Scaramouche right now felt like the scariest task in the world. That was until a small, tired looking child came into your room wiping her nose with the sleeve of her yellow pajama shirt.

"Y/n, I feel terrible..." By now you were sat up worried for her. Her face was tinted a bright red and her nose looked irritated from wiping it so often.

"Alright Sayu, you go lay in bed and i'll check your temperature." You rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom for the thermometer.

102 degrees F. A fever that appeared from nowhere, which had a slight risk of getting higher to the point of needing to go to the hospital. You couldn't leave her alone in her sick condition.

As weird as it felt to think this, you were glad you had a reason to not go to school and see others. You just wish it didn't cost your little sisters health.

As you prepared a cold wet towel for Sayu's head your phone buzzed with the noice of a text message. As you hovered over it squeezing the extra water from the towel out you read the message.

leaving rn
ill be there in like 10

As quick as you could you put everything down and began to respond to stop him.

wait no
im not going to school today

He replied almost immediately.

why not

my little sisters sick
i cant leave her home alone

do u want me to bring anything

scaramouche dont

im about to stop for the cheesecake
what for your sister?

ur an idiot

As much as you didn't want to see him, you found it almost adorable that he was so persistent in seeing you.


Sayu had fallen asleep almost instantly, so after she was cared for all there was to do was wait for Scaramouche.

And when you heard his soft knock at the door you jolted up but all that energy disappeared when opening the door.

"Y/n." He reached out the shopping bag for you with a monster energy drink in his other hand.

"Scaramouche. Thank you." You motioned for him to come in, which he did and immediately went to the couch where the two of you had kissed last time he was over.

But instead of sitting with him you went to the kitchen counter which wasn't far. You unwrapped the onigiri and began cutting up more dried seaweed to place on it.

This caught Scaramouche's attention. He walked over to where you were making shapes out of the seaweed and he stood behind you and observed.

"What are you making?" He rested his arms on the counter on either side of you. You could even feel his breath on your ear.

His position made you freeze for a second but you soon got back to what you were doing. "I'm putting panda faces on them. Sayu loves onigiri but will only eat it if there's pandas on it."

He left out a soft airy laugh which you completely felt on the side of your face. His breath was warm and his voice was soft.

"Scara." You felt it was a good time to talk to him about your doubts in your relationship with him. However the fear of ruining your friendship rushed through your mind.

You quickly turned to face him to get his attention. But your eyes flew wide open realizing just how close your faces were. Just how close your lips where.

"Yeah?" His lips were now getting closer to yours, if he moved just two or three inches closer your lips would be brushing against his. His cold face quickly melted into a flustered pink face.

"Are we... something?" He seemed taken aback by your sudden question and you could hear him gulp. He moved slightly back, his lips now a few more inches from your face.

His breathing seems louder and you could feel him fidget while thinking of a response.

"I.." His voice sounded uncertain. You stood there waiting for a response, growing more embarrassed by the second.

But instead of words, he responded with action.

He pushed his lips against yours slowly almost as if he was scared to break you if he moved too fast. Unlike last time, you continued the kiss following his lead.

His arms bent while pulling you farther against the counter. Your hands felt like they were moving by themselves by the way they wrapped around Scaramouche's neck.

The whole time was so soft and gentle, which seemed to contradict his personality.

In reality, it lasted about five seconds, but you were so captivated that it felt like an eternity. An eternity that wasn't long enough.

He held onto your hips to push away from your lips.

Neither of your hands seemed to leave their spot. The two of you created an eye contact unsure of what to say next.


You hummed in response.

"Be my girlfriend." You smiled at his awkwardness. By the way he said it, it seemed like you had no choice.

"Okay." You giggled and then fell face first into Scaramouche's chest embarrassed. He responded with a small laugh as well and placed his head into your neck as his hands moved up to your waist to pull you in tighter.

The whole situation felt so surreal. It was like a completely different Scaramouche from the one that told you to leave him alone all that time ago.

"Don't tell anyone about this." He muttered into your skin as he brought you in even tighter, if anymore you'd be struggling to breathe. You giggled at how much it felt like he was trying to keep you from parting the hug.

It lasted until a certain tired voice came from the stairway. "Um.."

You pushed away from Scaramouche relieved that she walked in during the hug and not the kiss.

"Sayu! How do you feel?" You walked towards her.

"Kinda better. I'm just a bit hungry."

This seemed like the perfect chance to introduce her to your new boyfriend. "Oh! Sayu, meet Scaramouche!" You turned towards him and then back to Sayu. "He got you panda onigiri!"

Hearing those few words Sayu's eyes lighted up the way a kid would seeing a mermaid. She ignored everything in her surroundings and bolted to the food, similar to a ninja.

After picking up the plate in amazement she turned towards Scaramouche. "Thank you!" and immediately went back upstairs to her room.

Scaramouche simply stood in the spot you left him in with a slight smirk he was clearly trying to hide.

kinda rushed but it was to show how much he cares‼️ also tyty for 600 read things🤯🤯 #craycray!!

Can you leave me alone now? • Scaramouche X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now