Chapter 12 • is this real??

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"You really didn't have to sit on the floor majority of the time to play with the dog. You could've just picked it up and kept it on your lap." Scaramouche sighs opening the car door for you.

"But I did! Scara dogs aren't like cats, they want to run around and be silly! Keeping him on my lap would've been mean." You frowned.

"So basically... you're a dog." He smirked.

"Shut up." You crossed your arms which made him laugh.

"So you can't stay over again?" Scaramouche asked.

"No Scaramouche, I feel bad about not letting them know that I was staying over. I'll bring your clothes back tomorrow. Bring mine pretty please!" You ask before getting out of the car.

"Bye y/n. Text me later."

"Bye Scara! I will." You smiled and waved.

You entered to be greeted by Sayu waiting on the living room couch, half asleep, but your entrence brings her back to life.

"Y/n! Mom and Dad called last night. They were scared." Sayu explained.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh and Yoimiya dropped by and was like really mad. She asked me who you left with but I didn't tell her who."

"Then how'd she find out?"

"I don't know. I'm going back to sleep."

And in the blink of an eye she was dead asleep. You wanted to talk to Yoimiya. You had so many questions.

So you did what you knew was kind of dumb but you turned on your phone and called her.

"Y/n? Why weren't you responding? Where are you?"

"I'm home."

"I'm coming over."


You hung up knowing that this could go two ways.

She's either gonna tell you what happened and work through it together or you might lose your best friend.

Then no longer than ten minutes later you heard a knock at the door.

You open the door to a makeupless Yoimiya wearing a t-shirt and baggy jeans.

"Yoimiya, come in." She didn't respond.

"Were you at Scaramouche's? Y/n be fucking for real with me." She's never sounded this angry towards you. It scared you because you didn't see the big deal.

"Yeah. Yoimiya why are you acting like this?" Without thinking you got straight to the point, regretting it right after saying it.

"Y/n you know he's dangerous right? He got expelled from his last school because of all the fights and stealing he got into."

"He's changed, and how do you even know this stuff?"

"Why does that matter? I know witnesses y/n, i'm trying to protect you."

Trying to protect you?

"I don't need you to protect me, you're my best friend not my bodyguard." You blurted out.

"I'm doing this as your best friend y/n! I don't want to see you hurt."

"As my best friend you should be happy I made a friend!"

"If you wanted more friends you could've told me! I can introduce you to-"

You cut her off, "Friends that I made by myself Yoimiya! I didn't even meet you myself. Our parents just happened to be friends. If they weren't you'd never talk to me! This is my first time making my own friend..."

"What it sounds like is you don't want my help."

"I don't." You weren't controlling what you were saying.

"Okay then, have fun with that criminal." She made her way to the door and before you could say anything she's already gone.

And just like that, you lost your childhood best friend.

For a boy.

You weren't sure what to do, or how to respond.

God if only school wasn't tomorrow. You still couldn't process what had just happened. And you really didn't want to.

You wanted to act like it never happened. Like you were going to school tomorrow happily and gonna go sit next to Yoimiya and hear her talk about how she got tickets for TXT's concert ans bow excited she was to see Soobin.

But you weren't.

grumpy 🙁

grumpy 🙁
where r u
ur friend looks sad that u aren't here


grumpy 🙁
did u get sick?
if u get me sick y/n im gonna fucking kill you

no im not dw

grumpy 🙁
then y r u gone
im omw

arent u in class??
bring cheesecake🙏

Not long later there we was in your doorway holding a cakebox and his school bag. You liked how you could tell he was tired from rushing. His panting and slight sweat made him even prettier.

"Cheesecake! But Scara, why aren't you at school?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Hmm. Mental health day."

"No way me too." His sarcasm made you laugh.

He sat on the couch and you followed, sitting close enough to where your legs were touching.

"But weren't you already at school?"

"Yeah. When you said you were home I just left." You broke into laughter while he reached for the cakebox.

Inside was a pretty large piece of cheesecake and a single fork. And no Sayu home so she can't steal it!

"Do you want some?" You offered and he nodded no.

"Tell me though, why did you need a mental health day? Did something happen?"

You took a bite of the cheesecake to think of what to say. But the second one word made it's way through, the rest flooded out.

But with the explanation, tears flooded out too. Explaining how you lost your best friend that you told everything to for something dumb.

And you still didn't know the full reason.

By the end, Scaramouche had you in a gentle hug with the cheesecake on the coffee table.

His hug almost distracted you from the issue at hand. His embrace was nice. And warm.

"Y/n, i'm sure soon things will get figured out. I doubt you two can avoid each other for long. And if your friendship does end, you can be happy you got a negative person out of your life."

His words made you hug him tighter, but he pulled away slightly.

Your eyes moved from his eyes, to his lips, back to his eyes.

You really wanted to do something dumb. Something that could ruin everything. Ruin your last real friendship.

But he beat you to it.

HI I HAD SO MUCH WRITERS BLOCK FOR THIS CHAPTER BUT I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THE NEXT ONE!!! Also i think im gonna work on this one more before starting a new story!!!😇
+i didnt read this before publishing it so ill go back over it and fix issues later🙏

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