Chapter 14 • Hope

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You were dreading going into school, but you knew at the same time that if you missed more days you'd fall behind in schoolwork and struggle.

Stress from missing work would just be the cherry on top of the cake.

So there you were, leaving the parking lot with Scaramouche and about to enter the campus.

When you spotted Yoimiya.

You were debating approaching her and trying to fix things. But the unkind glare she was giving you wasn't very inviting.

"Y/n if you take any longer i'm deadass gonna leave you behind." He said around two meters ahead of you. So you rushed to catch up.

Not even a minute after entering the campus Kazuha pulled Scaramouche to the side. You followed after them.

"First of all, congrats to you two! Y/n, Scaramouche called me last night super happy talking about you. It was kind of sweet."

That brought a slight smile on your face and you could feel your face burn up. You imagined Scaramouche kicking his legs and giggling explaining everything that happened.

"Ok cool. What is it Kazuha?" You were surprised he knew there was more. It truly shows how close they are.

"Right. Y/n, last night Yoimiya told a groupchat of people everything that happened between you two. Except she kind of twisted the words."

"What do you mean Kazuha?" Scaramouche asked for you.

"She told people you were mean to her and said you put Scaramouche over her, basically saying you chose a boy over your best friend."

"You're kidding." You refused to believe she'd make up things to ruin your reputation that was already bad. But at the same time making Scaramouche's even worse. It really didn't seem like something she'd do.

"I'm sorry y/n. I'm sure this'll all be fixed soon but at the moment all her friends seem to dislike you. And you too Scaramouche."

Kazuha's words only received a scoff from Scaramouche. He then took you by the arm and pulled you into the school building.

"People like her live to play victim. Ignore them y/n." He spoke as you walked. You still were processing that what Kazuha said is most likely true.

When class started Scaramouche took Yoimiya's seat next to you. You could hear murmurs from even people outside of Yoimiya's friend group. You were almost embarrassed.

Words from a group of that popularity were sure to spread fast.

But Scaramouche seemed to pay no attention. He simply put his earbuds in and went straight to sleep.

But as much as you tried you couldn't tune out all the gossiping happening around you.

Until Scaramouche handed you an earbud while still having his head rest on the desk.

You took it without a second thought.

911 by Tyler, The Creator.

His taste never disappoints.

The classes without Scaramouche were hell. Students were talking at full volume about you like you weren't sitting at the desk behind them.

Luckily today you didnt forget your headphones so those helped down out the sound of obnoxious gossiping and jokes.

But it was finally time to see Scaramouche in your favorite class, lunch! You've been waiting for it all day remembering the fact that no one sits around the two of you and you can't hear anything they say.

You rushed to the rooftop where you knew he'd be. And there he was. Sitting on the bench there, with two subs and two sprites.

When he saw you he threw the food and drink at you for you to catch. You almost missed it but caught it in time. Then, he patted the spot next to him prompting you to sit.

"Kazuha's sitting with Yoimiya today, he's trying to fix everything as best as he can." Scaramouche's words made you nervous. You weren't sure if talking about everything more would help or only make it worse.

Perhaps Kazuha's reputation even could get damaged by trying to protect you.

You looked down off the rooftop at where Yoimiya and her friends sat and you could see that the group was only growing.

"Forget about it y/n. Be glad she showed her true colors this quickly."

"You're right." You wanted to make a joke to lighten the mood but nothing would come to mind.

"Do you think even Thoma's mad at me? I really wanted to go back to that restaurant with you." You asked.

"If Ayaka's mad then he's mad. But I don't think we have to stop going, the dog there seemed to like you." He joked.

But then someone joined the two of you. He stood tall in front of the bench where you both were sitting.

You then looked up to his face to see Childe's familiar ginger hair and blue eyes.

"Scaramouche, what the fuck is going on?"

"Ajax, About what?"

"All the shit with Yoimiya and y/n. Hi y/n by the way!" He smiled at you.

"Oh that." You laughed at Scaramouche's reply.

"Everyone's pissed at the two of you. Except me of course. I know about your guy's little friendship. Plus, I know you Scaramouche. You don't find enjoyment in spending so much time to ruin a single person's happiness."

"This is the one time i'm not thinking about punching you Childe."

Childe laughed in response. "Okay but seriously, what happened for Yoimiya of all people to not like you?"

So you took your time explaining everything that happened. To not twist the story you even added in the parts that made you look bad. To which Scaramouche would butt-in and explain why you did it and why it doesn't make you a bad person.

You were flustered with how hard he tried to convince you and Childe that you weren't at any fault, when you knew that you carried some of the blame.

Childe seemed lost in his thoughts by the time you were done.

"What Yoimiya told everyone was way different to what you said. But your words seem way more believable. Like who would believe that y/n dumped a smoothie on Yoimiya after she tried to warn you that Scaramouche got in a fight with a girl." By the end of the last words, Childe was a laughing mess.

But you were shocked at how made up the stories she said were. You knew it wasn't long before she gets caught in her lie, and that gave you a lot of hope.

"Shut up Childe, for atleast a fucking minute for once! Please." Scaramouche pleaded trying to get Childe to stop with his laughter.

"Only cause you said please Scaramouche." You could see Childe struggle to hold his laugh in, so he turned towards the view off the rooftop.

"I'll try to fix this." Childe promised in a serious tone which really contrasted his earlier laughter. "I don't like all the lies Yoimiya made. It doesn't seem like her so it'll only make it harder to be believed."

"Childe you don't have to. You're gonna be disliked by people the second they even see you talking to me." Scaramouche affirmed.

"I don't care about anyone that isn't a good friend of mine. Losing people i've never even spoken to really isn't important to me."

His words surprised you and it looked like Scaramouche reacted the same by his puzzled expression and wide eyes.

But the happiness you had in that moment soon faded away as you heard the school bell ring.

wowow i wrote this chapter on a beach!!! i yhink i might go back and rewrite some of the chapters like i did the chapter before this a bit‼️ ok i hope u enjoyed🤞

Can you leave me alone now? • Scaramouche X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora