Chapter 24 • for love

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"Did you tell her?" Scaramouche slams open Shogun's bedroom door to find her sitting on a chair and reading. Immediately upon seeing his look she stood up but for the first time, she had a look of empathy toward him.


"You know Y/n's in danger now? Because of you." Shogun already knew this and felt far too guilty to act like she didn't.

"I'm sorry." With Shogun's apology, Scaramouche was already disgusted at the sight of her and left with a scoff.

Scaramouche's heart shattered into a million more pieces when he took a look at his phone and all the notifications coming from Y/n.

5 Missed Messages
1 Missed call

Not even counting the messages from Kazuha and the spam from Childe, but he didn't really care for those.

Scaramouche wished he could respond and explain the whole situation but he knew it wasn't long until Ei took all of his devices away and risking her seeing the messages was too dangerous.

He knew Ei's threats wouldn't lead to her physically hurting Y/n but more like destroying everything around her. Those things would eventually lead to her downfall and in the end, he wouldn't ever be able to see her again.

So for Y/n, he sent one last text to free her from the potential harm she may receive.


sorry Y/n, let's break up

Almost immediately he was spammed with responses in panic and not long after, some were coming from Kazuha and Childe.

scara that's not funny
respond to me
scara wtf
cant we talk abt this in person first???

Before he gave in and explained everything he made a decision he knew he'd regret soon after, but it had to be done.

You have blocked Y/n🤍

"He actually blocked you?" You barely paid attention to what Kazuha said because of the thousands of thoughts rushing through your mind.

"My messages aren't going through."

"What the fuck." Childe's voice turned serious, just like everyone's mood.

Kazuha attempted to relieve the tension. "Let's talk about this later. For now, let's go get something to eat." By now school was completely over but Childe insisted on hanging out.

Childe nodded in agreement but you could barely pick up your legs to walk.

It wasn't all heartbreak that was making you act like this, it was confusion and that sense of betrayal. You had spent the whole walk thinking of different ideas, some hurt more than others,

"Hm, do you think he was forced to do that?" Kazuha suggested during the walk. You had thought of the possibility already but couldn't think of who would force him.

"My first thought was blackmail," Childe turned his head to face you. "Possibly from Yoimiya?..." Childe whispered while leaning in. That was an idea you considered for a second but she'd never stoop that low, right?

"I doubt she'd do something like that, but with how she recently acted it's definitely a possibility." Kazuha looked down at the floor in disappointment thinking about the rumors she made up.

"After you.' Childe grinned holding the restaurant door open, ending the conversation.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

At a table against a wall, there sat Yoimiya and Ayaka. As much as you wanted to ask her if she knew anything about the situation you couldn't. There still wasn't any evidence of her knowledge about the issue. And she looked happy with Ayaka, you accidentally let out a soft smile thinking about her finally taking Ayaka on a date.

Quickly Kazuha and Childe noticed the two. Childe immediately grew defensive and gave her a dirty glare. Now Yoimiya's attention was on the three of you, then her face turned to that same look of regret and sadness that she had given you and Scaramouche when you entered school that one time.

She hastily turned back to Ayaka and pretended nothing happened, earning a tsk from Childe.

And when you and the two others were finally seated that awkward silence didn't disappear. It was weird being out with Childe and Kazuha without Scaramouche. It wasn't uncomfortable, just... unsettling.

Kazuha would constantly check his phone the whole dinner hoping that the 'seen' on his messages with Scaramouche would turn into a response. Childe just spent the whole time giving dirty looks to Yoimiya. Yet she'd give sad looks in return. Ayaka never once noticed the three of you as her back was to you. She did wonder why Yoimiya looked so gloomy.

And so did you.

Did she regret it?...

Thought of Scaramouche were temporarily replaced by what you'd say if Yoimiya apologized.

You weren't sure if you'd forgive her or hold a grudge...

If she's not involved in what's happening with Scaramouche, maybe you'd forgive her. If she can move on from her grudge against Scaramouche or at least not force you to choose, you could forgive her. And finally, return to your old sister-like friendship.

"Kunikuzushi, get out of fucking bed." Shogun threw open the curtains of Scaramouche's room, finally letting some light in.

Shogun expected Scaramouche to complain in retaliation or something but he sat still in thought.

His room at this point was a mess. After Ei took his phone he let all his anger out in the room, throwing things and smashing other things into the wall.

"Archons Kuni, this is embarrassing. Imagine Y/n came over to try to free you and she fucking saw this? She'd probably run away on sight." She giggled at her own joke but Scaramouche didn't seem amused.

Still, he didn't even respond. Or even move a muscle.

This caused Shogun to poke the lifeless corpse. "Helloo? Wake up." His eyes were open with a blink every now and then so she found the whole thing funny.

As she kept poking Scaramouche to get his attention he finally swatted her hand away. "Fuck off."

"That's not nice to say to someone that's trying to help you."

"This is your fault." He groaned as he pushed her away.

"I'm serious Kunikuzushi. I'm gonna help you."

sorry 4 slow posts😪 but tyty 4 all the support‼️ this fic might be cominf to an end soon🤔 but i just posted the first chapter of a kazuha story i started‼️

also lmk if anyone reads/watches blue lock! i kinda wanna write a nagi or rin story or something but idk if theres many readers 4 that
will probably start one anyways 👻

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