'Why Isn't It Over?..'

Start from the beginning

Well.. couldn’t reach his face.. But I suppose the next best option was his stomach.. In which the bucket was pour all over Sun when Eclipse went to grab his stomach. As for reaching for the axe gets you a few fingies away… Touching it barely but never fully being able to grab it… Why? Cause he’s got a freaking chain around his neck, that thing is chocking him while he’s trying… Sum coughed slightly, as he then kicked Eclipse in the stomach to push him away.. Better then nothing.. He then continued to try to get the axe, despite the chain literally choking him..

Until it was kicked away… Skidding a bit further away from Sun… ʼ No no no! I was so close! ʼ Sun thought to himself.. as he coughed bit more because of the chains choking him slightly. Eclipse stepped onto Sun’s back.. Slowly pressing it down, which that made Sun cough more, as he tried to held himself up.. Rather say, push Eclipse off.. Or something similar.. Eclipse pressed down even further.. Sun continued to try to make himself stop choking, of course with failure “ S-STOP- PL-PLEASE!- ” he barely managed to get out.. But is Eclipse going to listen? No! He just pressed even further down, a couple of pops could be heard… The chain just seemed to get tighter the more he was forced down… Sun teared up more, as he continued to cough and struggle to breath.. His struggles eventually became less and less the more he losses air.. Though he was losing it quite.. Rapidly to say the least.. Since he was quite begging Eclipse to stop.

And further…

Till there was a snap… If Sun wasn't choking, he would've screamed in pain.. Though more tears of pain rolled down his face, as he coughed more, eventually slightly coughing out blood.

After a few seconds of standing on Sun's back, Eclipse took his foot off and brought him back to leaning on the wall… Sun then managed to gasp for air, as he continued to cough, sometime coughing up a bit of blood too.. As tears rolled down his face.. Though now he knows he'll surely won't be capable to move properly when he gets out.. But is Eclipse going to stop? No! Why would he? He's about to make this worser..

Eclipse took one of his forearms and swiftly snapped it… Sun screamed in pain once more, as he tried to kick Eclipse away.. But Eclipse kept that leg down to the best of his ability while he brought Sun closer.. A hand went into his back, snapping his spine in different places before it going back into place.. He took his hand out when it was back into place and leaned Sun back against the wall… Sun teared up more, as he couldn't scream anymore.. His throat was hurting.. As his body was trembling in pain... He knew his struggles will lead to nothing, so why even try right now?.. As Eclipse was done, he'd just stood there, sobbing.. He really didn't liked this.. Why is Eclipse even doing this?.. Didn't he say he loves him?.. Why must love hurt?..

Eclipse took Sun’s arm again, bending the spot he snapped, bringing that and the entire forearm backwards onto his upper arm in a very uncomfortable, and most likely painful, position.. His hand stopped holding Sun’s leg down… “ Dear, don’t tell me you lost your fight already… “ Sun teared up more, perhaps rn his face is full of tears, as his body was trembling uncontrollably and his rays being retracted “ I-It hurts.. Just- S-Stop.. P-Please.. ” he spoke out between sobs, hoping Eclipse would at least stop or not do something this painful.. Eclipse waited for a moment… His rays spun round once before stopping.. “ ..t—’s Not enough —ar.. “ he folded Sun’s upper arm, starting to break that.. Sun teared up more.. He did scream in pain once more.. Surprising that his voice didn't break but is throat hurt.. As he started again to try to kick Eclipse off, hopefully he won't accidentally dislocate his own arm.. He hummed a bit.. Still bending the arm… Till it finally snapped, as he folded it together at his shoulder…. “ Screams won’t do, Dear… “ he whispered… He seemed to ignore the kicks..

Honestly he was crying a lot, just wanting this to stop.. It hurt so much.. “ P-Please.. P-Please just S-Stop!.. Please.. I-It hurts.. It h-hurts badly.. Too m-much.. Just.. S-Stop.. ” he spoke between sobs again, most likely begging for him to stop.. Eclipse took one of the snapped pieces of his arm and slowly started twisting it… Clearly not enough pleads to stop him.. Sun continued to kick and sob..
Eclipse stopped what he was doing…
He sat for a moment before twisting Sun’s arm slightly… Sun was still crying of pain, as he tried to make Eclipse to stop by kicking and begging.

Eclipse eventually, after a bit, finally let go of Sun’s arm.. Letting the, now very broken, arm unravel back straight.. Eclipse got up, moving the axe yet again in a place that was just a little too out of reach.. Leaving the room and Sun in it.. Sun was just crying, slightly trembling too.. How was he meant to get out?.. Surely if he tried to reach the axe he couldn't, and would possibly kill himself by accident in the process of trying.. Perhaps he could do something else, but what?.. He sighed, eventually attempting again to get the axe, he will stop if he can't get it after a bit though.. Eventually his fingers would touch the axe’s handle…. Bringing it a bit closer than before… At least it brought a glimpse of hope he could get himself free.. He'd continue trying to get the axe closer to his reach, so he could grab it, though he did stop a few times because of loss of air and he needed a short break to breath, though he continued trying afterwards..

Over time, it’d get closer… And a bit closer.. Till you’d be able to grab it… Once he was able to grab it, he took it and proceeded to cut the chain which was holding his neck.. With a crack, the chains fell down and off the piece around his neck.. Trying to take that off with the axe may be a bit risky… And he ain't about to risk it.. So he attempted to get up, using the wall, not letting go of the goddamn axe.. He will need it.. He knows it.. It's his only defense right now.. He cannot let go of the axe..

Pain and some trouble ensued, but Sun would eventually be able to stand, at least, stand leaning against the wall.. He'd just stay there, leaning on the wall, as he tried to see how he could get out.. Staying against the wall, he could line the wall and get to the door that way… But really, it's a lot longer of a way than just walking straight to it.. Of which he can’t do right now- but it's the best way in this situation… He sighed, as he began struggling his way to the door, by using the wall to hold himself up.. Never letting go of the axe..

He eventually reached the door, attempting to open it.. Well it surely is unlocked- But he fell down as the door just swung open.. So right now Sun is on the floor, still holding the axe.. Desperately holding that axe..The rooms were dark again.. And yet again, if attempting to get up, he’d have trouble again.. Taking a bit more time than before to get up.. Which could lead to him getting caught. Sun tried to get up, or at least get to his own room, still holding onto the axe.. Perhaps for protection.. Or perhaps to feel safer... If he has to.. He'll willingly hit Eclipse with the axe.. Getting up eventually, and finally getting to his room… Opening the door, led to his room being lit by the lamp… He'd close the door behind him, as he stumbled slightly, falling to the floor again.. And he began tearing up again.. Perhaps Sun is hearing stuff.. Or he might’ve heard a small click… Did Eclipse.. No.. There's no way Eclipse knows.. Right?.. He struggled to get up, heading to the door.. Attempting to open the door, it wouldnt budge... It.. Was locked.. The door was locked… “ He just.. ” Sun sighed “ Why.. Even lock me in here.. ” he slid down against the door, still in pain slightly “ It's just.. Why is this even happening.. He only lets me suffer.. Is this how 'love' is?.. It can't be.. Right?.. ”

Sun stood a bit silent, as he was slightly bleeding out.. “ Perhaps.. I can just.. Sleep.. I feel tired.. ” He scoot himself to the wall, beside the door, leaning his head on the wall, as his eyelids slowly closed.. Guess he didn't care much of dying at that point..
But.. One thing is for sure..

He never let go of the axe..

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