On top of that, I had somehow lost the small pouch where I kept spare change and my student ID. But there was no way in hell that I would go back to the asylum to look for it.

"It was—"

"A disaster," Suzy's voice interrupted us. She rounded the table and took a seat next to Sam. "I don't want to talk about Halloween anymore," she grumbled.

She and Nick had gotten into an argument: He said they were moving too fast. She thought they didn't move fast enough. I really didn't know what to say to any of that.

The chair next to me was pulled back and Killian dropped into the seat, his laptop and a stack of papers in hand. My back straightened and I was acutely aware that his arm was just inches away from my own. The sudden close proximity sent small tingles across my skin.

"I see you two are done with your lecture," I said mostly to distract myself.

"Yeah. We have to write twenty pages about the law in old India." Suz dragged her hands through her short hair and pouted at me. "I want to hang out again. We have to finish watching True Beauty. I need a break."

"Be glad you don't need to write protocols. It's the worst thing ever," Jules said.

Everyone went back to their work. Killian's arm brushed against mine as he opened his laptop. I jolted as if I got zapped. He shot me a confused look which I deliberately ignored. Why did he have to sit next to me?

I stared at the final exercise on my paper but his clean masculine scent turned out to be surprisingly distracting. He did smell good. I leaned the tiniest bit closer and took a deep breath.

Killian pushed the edge of his paper to me. "Are you sniffing me?" was written in clear, distinct letters.

My stomach fluttered. Did he always notice everything? I peered at the others. Sam and Jules were discussing video games. Liam's seat was empty. Suz stared at her phone. No one was paying any attention to us.

"Just checking if it's safe to breathe next to you," I scribbled back and frowned. What the hell? His handwriting was prettier than mine.

He grabbed his pencil. "And what's the verdict on that?"

"You don't stink."

Killian let out a low chuckle.

"What's your rank now?" Sam asked and I lifted my head.

"Master Guardian Elite," Jules replied without looking up.

"Damn you got that high? I can't seem to find a good group man. And randoms are a pain. We should play sometime."

"Sure. Tay and I can push you if you want."

"Tay and..." Sam paused. His head swung to me. "You play CS:GO*?"

"Yep," I said.

A perplexed expression crossed his face. "Um... I mean sure we can play some time but I've been wanting to push my rank. I mean I can play on my brother's account and we can all play together."

Jules snorted and I smirked.

"Sam," Jules said in a patient tone.


"Tay outranks me. I don't think it's her we need to worry about."

Sam stared between us. "Huh? No way! What's your rank?"

"Legendary Eagle Master," I announced with a hint of pride.

His jaw dropped. He tried to say something but stopped again, looking like a goldfish gasping for air.

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