Everybody is relaxing from the past work week or just the everyday life with many little siblings. 

"Mommy! Mommy! The mowster is huwnting me!" - The 4 year old Niccolo shouts while running away from Lorenzo and the direction of Ilva who is coming in the living room hand in hand with her lovely husband Stefano. Now is the time for the announcement not only of a pregnancy again but the coming from the long wanted principessa. 


She is pregnant with triplets. A girl with her 2 big and strong brothers. A few days ago in the doctors room as she got to know the news, she nearly passed out because of the unexpected but hoped happening. She was happy. Just happy and relieved that finally a girl will be part of the family. And that happiness is, of course, for the whole family including the grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews and their own 9 boys. 

So here she is: standing next to her husband, in front of 39 confused pairs of eyes and is about to pass out again. Little 13 years old Alessandro notices her nervousness because of his great analyzing and asks worried:

"What's wrong mum? Do I have to punch some of those so called siblings in the face?" 

Chuckling fills the whole room and Ilva looks down to the serious face of him. 

"Sandro! Nice that you care, darling, but you're not the responsible for those things-" She's interrupt by Alessandro. "Uncle Mario!" 

"Who should I hit?" 

"MARIO!" - A now in disbelieve Edeardo scolds his younger brother. 

"What? He ask."

"OK. OK. Nobody did something wrong!" - Ilva interrupts before the situation will escalate. "We have some big news to announce!"

"You brought me finally a whole kiosk?!" - Fidelio asks seriously. 

"I GET A DOG!" - Alijo. 

"I WANT ONE TOO!" - Enzio whines. 

"SAME!" - Elio. 


"YOU HAVE AIDS?!" - Silvio. 

"Wait- What- NO!" - Stefano shakes his head and have a questionable look on his face. 

"Why in fuckings sake did you thing that?" - Massimo asks confused. 

"Language!" - his father Ambrose. 

"What? Would be big news!" - Silvio states unbothered. 

"This kid is too clever and reads too many wrong books." - Ilva mumbles. 

Calmness returns but doesn't last long because Stefano gets straight to the point. 


"Congratulation- Wait a SISTER?!" - grandma Micaela jumps up rom her seat and runs instantly in the arms of Ilva. This is likely enough to bring everybody back in reality and the chaos begins. 

Double TroubleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin