Anastasia Griffin

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Anastasia Griffin:

Nicknames: Ana, Stass, Sunshine, Love

Face Claim: Ashley Benson 

Age: 16-25

Birthday: April 12

Star Sign: Aries

Species: Demi- Primordial turned God/Primordial

Lives: Camp Half-Blood, Olympus (later)

Likes: Powers, Apollo, her friends, her father, Snakes, horses, birds. 

Dislikes: Zeus, Athena, Ares, Kronos, betrayal, being helpless, underestimated, lied to.

Personality: Sarcastic, scary, angry, powerful, stubborn, secretive, possessive, protective, strong willed, confrontational, not a pushover, clever, and patient.

Love Interest: Apollo


Has the ability to create anything from absolutely nothing, even temporary immortality (as in, the same level of the Gods which prevents aging until it wears off and death by any means) that can last for days, weeks, months, or even years dependent on the skill level of the child of Phanes/Thesis, represented by a shining silver ball of light, and can even make herself immortal only in near-death situations and for a very brief period of time. She can only create something from nothing fifty times a day, and after that, the ability starts using her life force and/or exhausts them to unconsciousness.

Can create life and life energy and can bring an object to life, but to give life/life force, She must give up at least one year of their lifespan which they can do any number of times. The life force given can also heal anyone of ailment. She can also create life using another's life force or siphon that life force into her own. However, she cannot create Gods/Goddesses like her father/mother.

Has near limitless amounts of power and energy, and create weapons of raw energy if she needs to, which can destroy almost anything the weapon makes contact with (excluding immortals, in which case it severely injures them instead). She also can become raw energy, in which she is intangible and very dangerous to touch as anything that makes contact with her in energy form is overloaded with energy and destroyed from the power. She can also fuse a weapon with raw energy

Children of Phanes/Thesis are excellent in the art of procreation, like children of the primordial Eros.

Can copy, however cannot steal, a demigod's powers by simply touching them. Whether or not the copied abilities, represented by a gold orb of light, are exactly the same or inferior to the original demigod's powers depends upon the skill of the child.

Can negate the powers of other demigods or the Gods themselves for up to one day, as her father/mother is the god of creation. This negation can only be used up to five times and can hit multiple targets with one use, but cannot negate immortality.

Has the power of cosmic manipulation. She can use energy from planets, moons, stars, black holes, space itself, and other celestial objects and use this power to bend molecules and states of matter to their will. This power is vastly inferior to her father's/mother's version of it, however; she can only drain power from celestial bodies within the solar system.

Has the power of animakinesis, or soul manipulation. This power far surpasses that of children of Hades' ability to do so and is only rivaled by Hades (and other gods) animakinesis. She has the same abilities as children of Hades do in terms of souls.

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