EP-6 <The letter>

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My dearest Hia,

I write this letter to you with an aching heart and a heavy soul. I wish I could be there to say these words in person, but alas, I cannot. I am a dying man and I know these are my last words to you.

I hope that you do not feel too guilty when I am gone. It breaks my heart to know that I have caused you pain. I understand why you may have felt betrayed when you heard that I was seeing someone else. I am sorry I had to lie to you, but it was better this way.

It was for your own good. I did not want you to suffer more than you already have when I am gone. I wanted to spare you from the grief and loneliness that will come after I'm gone. I wanted to spare you from the pain of seeing me suffer in the final days of my life. I knew that if I told you the truth , you would have been in anguish.

You have been my rock throughout this entire ordeal. You have been my strength and my light in the dark. You have been my hope and my solace. You have been my reason for living, even when my life was ebbing away. You have been everything I could have asked for and more.

I know that I have not always expressed my feelings for you as much as I should have. I know I could have done better in this regard but words will always fail me when it comes to you. I want you to know that no matter what I may have said or done in the past, I love you with all my heart and I will love you until the end.

I cannot express with words the joy and contentment that you have brought me. I never knew I could be so happy until I met you. You have given me the love I never thought existed. You have given me a reason to live, even in the darkest of times.

With every passing day, my love for you has only grown. Our time together has been the best time of my life and I wouldn't trade a single moment for anything. Every second spent with you was precious and I will never forget your beautiful smile, your kind words and your gentle touch.

My heart aches as I think of our future together that will never be. I want you to know that I would have loved to grow old with you and watch our love grow stronger with every passing day. I wanted to see the world with you and share every moment of joy and sorrow together.

But now all of this is gone. I will be gone soon and I know that you will grieve. I want you to know that I love you and will never forget you. I want you to move on and find someone who will love you as much as I did. Someone who will accept you for who you are and will cherish you for eternity.

Hia, this may be the last time I say this to you, I promise I will love you until the end of time. Please don't forget that. And I hope you could live without me. Always be happy Hia.

With all my love,


Zee opened the letter to read, everything word was beautifully written but each sentence holds a weight, a weight that can make his heart heavy and hurt. Why would he find someone new when he has Nunew? Why Nunew is insisting him to find someone? He does not get it.

Tears rolled down like a stream while reading this. So, Nunew's lying to him about seeing his ex-bf (Kal) just to break up with him. But why? This hurts him. ''Does he(Nunew) not trust him(Zee) enough?''

Zee feels so overwhelmed reading this letter. Thank god he received this before everything could still be resolved.

He trust with his whole heart that Nunew would overcome all of this because he knows Nunew too well. He will for sure endure all of the pain till the end and comes back alive. This is how much he has trust in Nunew. Still, deep down, he is afraid that he might actually lose Nunew for the second time.

Also, on the other hand, he feels like Nunew does not trust him like he does. If he trusts him, he would be honest with him and tell him everything so that they could go through this together.

But a part of Zee knows that Nunew did all of this for his(Zee's) sake. That boy is very considerate of others' feelings, he's so selfless and thinks that he is being a burden to everyone, when it's absolutely not. '' How could he be that selfless and naive?'' Zee sighs. ''How can he not love this innocent boy? Although he admits that, this time, Nunew does hurt him indeed.''

Nunew is the one who would suffer alone rather than telling others about what is bothering him. And, he woukd still put on the brightest smile on his face so that no one really notices what he's going through. He is a very kind soul with a kind heart.

''How could this miserable thing has to happen to that boy? Life is cruel. Why is destiny trying to break them apart?'' Zee also regrets not confronting Nunew and let this happens. Zee prays with all of his heart that ''Nunew will stay alive and only after that he will try his best to get back with Nunew''

Before that, he has to clear every mess he had made during ''his healing process''. He immediately called the girl from the bar whom he dated to get over Nunew. He is indeed sorry for her but he has to do this...if he wants to get back the love of his life.

'' I'm sorry A, let's break up, we're not serious anyway. I hope you undeestands me'' After this , he explains his story to that girl. Luckily, that girl is pretty understanding and does not create uneccessary drama.

''I know Zee, I have noticed that all along. Good luck with ur plan to get back with ur fiancé''

''Thank you A. And I'm really sorry for getting you involved in my mess''

The call ended. And Zee's now planning everything in his head. To get his fiancé back for he trusts Nunew that he will make through this.

It's kinda short right? 🥺 Thank you everyone for reading although this story is not very interesting 💌 And I guess next chapter gonna be the last one 💕

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