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Nunew has been acting strange for the past few weeks. He is being distant from Zee, who is his fiancé. Most of the times, Nunew is zoning out and he seems to be stressed and unhappy, especially these days.

Zee wondered what is making Nunew stressed out these days that he is no longer his self anymore. Nunew's cheerful personality fades away and instead he seems tired and dull.

Nunew is actually a clingy boyfriend but nowadays, he is putting some distance with Zee and isolating himself. The more Nunew acts weird, the more Zee starts to worry. He doesn't really ask Nunew about what had happened because he wants to give some space to him and only let him tell when he is ready.

But it gets worse day by day that Zee couldn't help but to ask Nunew straightforwardly.

Nunew and Zee stood in an uncomfortable embrace, their arms wrapped around each other in a way that was neither comforting nor inviting. Nunew felt his guilt and need to protect his heart battling with his own wish to stay like this, just a little bit longer, before everything came crumbling down. He could feel Zee frantically searching his eyes for answers, but his face held no clues.

"What is it, Nunew? What's wrong?" Zee's voice was soft, but held a hint of desperation. Nunew knew it was only going to get worse. He glanced up at the sky, its light blues and purples slowly fading away as the stars began to sparkle, and sighed. Even the escape of the heavens couldn't help him now.

A few moments of silence passed before Nunew finally spoke, his voice heavy with guilt.

"I'm sorry, Hia" he said. "I'm so sorry."

Zee was confused with Nunew apologizing him. ''Why? What are you sorry about Nu?'' he asked curiously, at the same time, his intuition is telling him that something is not right. For the first time, Zee hopes his sixth sense to get wrong.

Nunew took a deep breath, steeling himself for the heartbreak he'd caused. "I've been seeing someone else," he admitted quietly.

Zee could barely contain his shock and rage. Zee wondered if it's the real reason why he's acting all cold and distant these days. He couldn't believe his own ears. "How could you?" His voice was a whisper, but the anger in it was unmistakable. "When did that happen Nu? How?''. he softens his tone, not wanting to scare his lover.

Nunew could not answer any of Zee's questions. All he could feel was guilt. He then looked down, unable to meet his hia's gaze or bear the weight of his disappointment. But he wanted to look up into Zee's eyes, maybe for the last time since Zee might hate him after this. He also wanted to tell him the truth, to explain why he'd made the mistake, but he knew it wouldn't make a difference. His secret was far too cruel, and his health far too fragile. He'd already made up his mind.

"I'm so sorry, Hia," he said again. "I never wanted to hurt you. I swear." Nunew was actually being honest with the words he just said. He never really wanted to hurt Zee. But now he is left with no choice.

Zee's breath caught in his throat and he stepped back once more, his face showing a mask of hurt and confusion. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could come out Nunew turned away, unable to face the pain he'd caused. Tears streamed down Zee's cheeks as he watched him go, his heart feels heavy with grief and betrayal.

However, Zee could not fully believe Nunew. Nunew must have his own reasons. He tried to convince himself that it is not true unless he sees for himself but a part of him believes what Nunew said ''Why? How could he do this to me? Didn't he say he loved me?'' his entire head is full of those questions. He just can't understand how everything happens in a short amount of time.

He tells himself that he needs to confirm everything. At least, he needs to know who is that person Nunew is seeing. Only then, only after confirming that person is good enough for Nunew, No, better than him, he would be able to leave Nunew for he is so precious for him. He could not easily let go of him.

Instead of his own feelings, what worries Zee the most is that person whom Nunew is seeing will mistreat Nunew. ''What if that happens?'' he asked himself. He doesn't know but one thing for sure, he would make that person regret and repay for everything. Because he can't let that happen like ''his ex-fiance left him for the douchebag''. He wants the best for Nunew although he will not be with him anymore as they planned before, he felt a sting somewhere in his chest.

Zee tells his trusted bestfriend, Max to tail Nunew and that person whom he is seeing, to confirm. He could not break up with Nunew just like that. He will believe that Nunew is seeing someone other than him, only after witnessing with his own eyes. He could not just let go his fiancé just like that. No way.

He tried calling Nunew although he knows that the younger is not going to pick up. Zee wants Nunew to tell him the exact reason of why he did this? If it's possible, he is very willing to change himself just for Nunew to come back to him. Even if it's his face that Nunew dislikes, he is ready to get the plastic surgery done the next day.

Zee sits down hopelessly on the bed thinking where could things have possibly gone wrong. Did he unintentionally mistreat Nunew? Does that person has something Zee doesn't have? He is mindlessly wandering about what the reasons could be. Nunew's reason is not enough, not sufficient enough to break off their bond. But he is also scared that what Nunew said will be actually true. He doesn't want to believe it.

Hello 😶 I come back with a new plot Surprise ✨ Here comes the first chapter of my new story. I hope everyone will enjoy this too. I'm sorry if the angst is too soon 😭 I'm an angst enjoyer btw. Forgive me 🥺💖 Ur comments and votes will be my moti hehe 💖 feel free to say ur opinions

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