'Date' me for a box of cupcakes- Kyle and Ava (Mini story-Part 5)

Start from the beginning


"Shoot, I lost another hair tie..." Amanda said softly, looking at her wrists.

"Relatable." Gretchen grinned before taking a sip of her tea.

I smiled too,

I lose at least a million hair ties a year.

I picked up my teacup and was about to take a sip when I saw Kyle and Abby hooking arms while parading around the canteen.

I rolled my eyes.

We get it, you're the 'perfect' couple.

Once Abby saw me, she gave a sinister smile.

She got in front of Kyle and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Then she kissed him.

Quite aggressively too...

My heart shattered into pieces.

It felt like it was getting burnt and stomped on.

The worst part was that he looked like he was okay with it.

Everyone in the canteen hyped them up and started cheering their names.

I accidentally slammed my teacup on the table.

I stood up and tried to smile it off.

"Excuse me for a minute ladies.." I muttered.

Then I quickly walked away.

I went straight to the supply closet and closed the door.

I slid my back against the wall, slowly curling up into a ball.

I started shedding some tears, burying my face with my hands.

A wave of instant regret had hit me as I looked up.

This is not who I am...

Why did I give the Abby the satisfaction by running away like a coward?-

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

It slowly creaked open, revealing a masculine figure.

I was surprised because I thought it would be my girlfriends.

I wiped my tears away as they're left hand scanned the wall to find the light switch.

Once the lights were on, my eyes widened to see Ezra.

He closed the door and sat down next to me.

At a noticeable two feet apart.

He's been doing that ever since he started dating Maudie.

Which I find really cute because it shows how loyal and committed he is to Maudie.

"Hey." Ezra muttered.

"Hey." I muttered back.

Ezra slowly turned his head towards me and gave a soft smile.

"Do you want to slap me some sense into that monkey we call Kyle?" Ezra joked, his grin getting bigger.

I snickered and looked down.

That joke came out of nowhere.

"Yes please." I replied.

Ezra laughed a little too.

I turned my back to him and smiled.

"Thank you for that, Ezra." I said.

"You're welcome, Ava." Ezra replied.

Then it was silent.

A more comforting silent.

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