Staying over (Maudie X Ezra)

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Ezra POV

"I don't understand this."

My eyes widened as my whole body turned to Maudie.

Maudie Miller doesn't understand something?

"What?" Maudie asked.

"Nothing, it's just that I'm not used to you not understanding things." I said.

"Well you can practice now, I don't understand this question." Maudie said, sliding her textbook closer to me.

I took a look at the question.

She's right, this question is hard.

However, I know how to solve it.

"It's easy once you master it, you just have to plus this, times pi, minus half of the beginning number." I said.

"My brain hurts, sometimes i hate being in Express Mathematics." Maudie said, rubbing her temples.

I looked at her.

Something is wrong.

She's never like this...

Plus, she looks tired

She usually gets things right away.

"Maudie, are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit slow today." Maudie said.

"Do you want to take a rest?" I asked.

"No, the math exam is next week, I need to get this equation." Maudie said.

"No let me check your temperature." I said. "May I?" I asked.

Maudie nodded.

I got on my knees and got closer to her.

I pressed my knuckles against her forehead.

Her forehead felt hot

"Maudie, you're sick." I said.

"Sick? I never get sick-" Maudie said.

"But you are, you need to rest." I said.

"Your right." Maudie said. "It's unfortunate that my dad left for a conference though."

"Right.." I said. "No one is here to take care of you.."

"I can do it myself." Maudie said.

"I should call Ava, she's good with these things..." I said, pulling my phone out.

"You can't, remember she's in a school trip to Hong Kong." Maudie said.

"Oh.." I said.

"You don't have to worry; I can take care of myself." Maudie said.

"No you have to rest and someone needs to take care of you." I said.

"You can do it." Maudie said.

I froze.

"Me?" I asked.

"Who else?" Maudie asked as she started sniffing.

I looked at Maudie's current state,

she looked very ill.

I guess I have to.

If not I would live with the guilt.

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