Anything to keep her (Maudie X Ezra)

533 11 16

Their 15-17 in this story

Story status: A solid 7/10, Very cheesy and a lot of time skips

It's like a Maudie teases Ezra kinda thing.

Feel free to comment down anything:)

Ezra POV

I'm still feeling anxious from what Mario told me yesterday.

I'm afraid it might be true.

'Dude, if you don't do something seriously romantic soon, she'll start getting bored and tired of your relationship. She might even break up with you..'

Usually, his statements are complete balderdash.

But what he said made sense.

Maudie and I have been dating for 3 weeks and nothing has really changed between us.

And she's my first girlfriend so I don't really know how girls feel or think in a deeper point of view.

And Mario has more experience with these things.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hi Ezra."

I turned around and saw Maudie, carrying a stack of English textbooks.

"H-hi Maudie." I muttered.

I HAVE TO play it cool.

"I need your textbook." Maudie said.

"Why?" I asked

"Because Miss Norbury asked me to collect it..." Maudie replied.

"Yeah.... right." I said. "Here."

I handed her my book and she added it to the stack.

"Are you okay?" Maudie asked.

"Never better." I lied, forcing a smile.

"Okay then..." Maudie said before walking away.

I took multiple deep breaths.

I need to ease myself down.

Or else I would raise suspicion to Maudie.

Maudie gave Miss Norbury all the textbooks she had.

Then the bell rang, signaling the end of the last period of the day.

Everyone, except Maudie and I, grabbed their pre-packed bags and ran out of the classroom.

Summer starts tomorrow, so I can see why everyone was eager to leave.

I stood up from my seat and started packing my bag.

After this, I'm walking Maudie home.

That's romantic, right?

I mean, I walk Maudie home every day.

but since now we're dating, it should just automatically be romantic.


Time skip to when they're outside of school, standing by the gate...

"Ezra." Maudie said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Let's have a little date." Maudie smiled.

I was a bit surprised by what she said.

She's initiating a date...

Usually, the male is the one doing so.

Well, this is Maudie so I'm not that surprised that she's so nonchalant about it.

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