The perfect first date (Maudie X Ezra ver)

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Story status: 9/10


Ezra POV

I got to her front door, sweating like crazy.

I grabbed a rag from my coat pocket and wiped my sweat away.

I can't show her I'm nervous about this.

It's pathetic.

I stuffed the rag bag into my coat pocket and knocked the door.

I patiently waited for Maudie to answer.

After a few seconds,

The door flew open and I saw Maudie with a smile on her face.

"Ah Ezra, I've been waiting." Maudie smiled.

Her smile is absolutely adorable.

"How do I look?" Maudie asked.

I gazed at her appearance.

She was wearing an oversized sweater, a long ankle-length brown skirt, brown boots and a brown leather messenger bag.

She looked like Maudie Miller.

She looked absolutely perfect.

"You look stunning." I said as I smiled.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." Maudie said.

"Let's go, I have a whole day of activities planned for us." I said, grabbing her hand.

I started walking but Maudie wouldn't move.

I turned back and looked at her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Your hands are sweaty." Maudie said.

"What? They are?" I panicked, pulling my hand away from her grasp.

"No! Actually, they're not." Maudie said. "I guess it was just so sudden for you to do that, I must just have gotten surprised and lied."

I couldn't believe my ears or my eyes.

Is Maudie Miller nervous?

I've never seen her nervous before.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

"A bit, I shouldn't be though." Maudie said.

"You shouldn't, because I'm trying not to be nervous too." I said.

Maudie grabbed both my hands and caressed it.

"Thank you Ezra, I really appreciate it." Maudie said.

I froze as my heart started beating faster.

"Anyways, lets go shall we?" Maudie said letting go of my hands.

I nodded.

She smiled.

"We're riding tandem right?" Maudie asked.

I nodded.

"Race you to your bicycle." Maudie said.

"You sound just like Kyl-" I said.

Then Maudie started running.

"Maudie! Wait!" I shouted as I ran after her.

She really is full of surprises,

and a really fast runner.

By the time I caught up to her, she was already on my bike.

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