12| The Time Before

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Lawrence's P.O.V.

A few things were needed to make this work.

Against what you'd initially believe, it wasn't mandatory to have a mirror if you wanted to contact Zackeria.

He found the original lore of Bloody Mary to be too limiting, reaching an understanding between the three of us that water would be a good alternative. If we could find any source of water, steady enough to see our reflection at least, then we could channel a link to him.

There was a lake, five or seven minutes outside the estate, when we were driving here to see Dario. And when I meant that, it was more so speaking in terms of a car ride. I picked up my step, knowing I would have to get there before daybreak. If we had too much light around us, then the incantation wouldn't work.

Darkness was another key element.

At this point, some would wonder: "What, does that make you a witch?"

To put it plainly, no, none of us have magical powers.

Having those abilities was like having a large crystal around your neck, or a heavy magnet, radiating its energy endlessly. Like the scent of pollen to a swarm of bees, we attracted the worst kind of people. Four years ago, we went through the process of placing a veil over us, harboring and hiding our magic in a way that made us close to a human.

Despite that, people still found their way to us – catching bits of the lingering aftermath and confusing us for something we weren't. In a sense, it was close to sunburn that wouldn't fade away.

Jamila promised that it would eventually get better – but it's been more years, and we couldn't shake off witch hunters to this day.

Though the powers were blocked off – that only restricted us from doing light magic. Things that regarded levitation, minor tasks, and potion making. Regardless of how much scrubbing we did, we could always harness black magic.

"You're going to get your hopes up," Jamila said, rushing behind me. I knew she was mostly tagging along so that she could stop me. "Your memory when it comes to Zack must be faulty."

"He's more reliable than you."

"When you pay him."

"We all have a price."

"You're saying that with such ease is a problem on its own," she grumbled, wrapping her arms around her chest tightly, as though she was fighting the cold wind to the best of her capability. "Don't you recall the last time Kaia saw him? You think she really wants anything to do with him?"

"He's her father."

"You know more than I do that just because someone is your parent doesn't mean you need to maintain a relationship with them." 

"He's different than my mom – don't even go there," I warned. "Kaia would forget about that night. I know she would. She would forget that the second she saw he's the one saving her."

"You genuinely think she needs to be saved?" Jamila was lagging before, but she picked up her step to a point that now she was elbow to elbow with me. With the progress we were making, I could begin to see the start of an opening in the trees we'd been walking through for the last few minutes. We were close.

"I'm not going to debate with you any longer." I made known.

"This was never a debate—you had your mind set to this the moment it crossed your mind. You're many things, but you've never been seen as persuadable."

I smiled, locking my hand around her shoulders and giving them a big shake. "You love that about me. Don't lie."

"Eh, love is pushing it. You're my cousin, so most of what you do is excusable to me...unless it becomes criminal. In that case, I don't know you anymore."

I rolled my eyes. Typical, Jamila.

"You're honest, and that's something I love about you."

She shared a grin with me, mirroring the expression I had –until it broke and she revealed a grim look instead. "If you love me and love Kaia, then you'll hear me out when I say this: don't do it. You and me both know that Kaia would kill Zackeria if she saw him." She shook her head, laughing almost. "I mean, she already tried the last time they were in the same room."  


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