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Still on flashback

"Adonis Jones" he said with a grin..and shook my hands..

Our hands met..and it was like an electricity spark..I feel hot..

And he just kept grinning..we are still holding hands by the way..

"Ohh..alright"i said softly..my cheeks are gone by the way..

"Yh..angel"he said..and let my hand go..

I quickly took a gulp of my water..

Everyone has been calling me an angel and it's annoying..but when he said it..I'm already flying in the clouds..

"You don't look like a barbie..so..what are you doing here?" He asked looking at me intently..

His eyes are so mysterious..it's giving me a dangerous vibe..

"Well..I won a radio contest..and was forced here by my friend.."I said..sipping my water..

"Ohh..Beauty with brains" he said with a grin..and his eyes travel my face..

He looked into my eyes deeply..and his eyes landed on my lips..

Okay..I'm hot

I simply smiled..more like a blush actually..

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked with an alluring smile..

Who would say no to that!

"Yeah..sure.." I said with a smile..


We were out in the beautiful little garden of the resort..and it was quiet beautiful..

"So..what do you do?" He asked staring at me..

"I..humm..I'm a fashion entrepreneur" I said..

"Okay..so you own a boutique" he said..

Ohh..I wish merman 🧜‍♂️

"No..not at all..I'm actually still hunting for a job" I said with an awkward chuckle..

"Alright" he said..

I expected him to be atleast disappointed..but he wasn't..he just treated it like it's normal to be jobless..

Alright..Green flag!

"What about you?..what do you do?" I asked him..now I'm interested..

He paused for a while..like thinking about it..

So.. who thinks about his job before saying it

I looked at him..ohhh God!..I hope he is not into anything shady..

Because..does eyes of his.. scream danger..

I know..

"I'm an investor" he said flatly..

"Ohh..that's great" I said with a smile..

But something tells me otherwise..but I didn't care..

Have you seen this guy?!

We kept on walking..just enjoying the scenery..while other people enjoy looking at us..

They gwack at us..everywhere we go..

"Hey guys" a teenage girl said..

There was also a guy behind her..

"Ohh. Hi" I said with a smile..

"You guys are wicked!" She suddenly raised her voice..


Me and Adonis stared at her and looked at eachother..

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