Practice ends later than normal and we all go out for dinner. Heather rides with me, Sodo, Swiss, and Sunshine. Of course Heather gets shotgun. We all walk in and get the biggest table they have. "Hi, my name's Katie, what will you guys be having this evening?" The waitress says taking out her notepad. I slightly flinch at the name. We all order and she walks away smiling. It takes a while for all of our food to come out. When it does she puts Sodo's plate down a little slower than the rest of ours giving him a wider smile. Really again? I sigh and roll my eyes. "You okay?" Sodo asks. Looking over to me, I'm sitting across from him. "Ya. Why wouldn't I be?" I say smiling. "You just rolled your eyes at her." He says laughing a little. Ya laugh Sodo, keep fucking laughing. Why!? You have no reason to be like this Jaxson! Seriously girl what is wrong with you? I look down at my food. I only end up eating maybe 1/3 of it. The waitress comes back over smiling her barbie smile. "Anything else I can get ya?" She asks. Ya, your head on a silver platter, your eyes and teeth can be gone too... Jaxson seriously?... Everyone shakes their head and Paps asks for the check. We all pay for our own meals and leave the building.

Swiss, Matty, and Aether decided they are gonna go back to Matty's room to drink. Everyone else goes back to where they are staying and Sodo and I go back to his place. When we went in I decided to take a shower and go to bed. Sodo goes to his room wanting to shower after me. When I step out of the bedroom I bump into Sodo. "Sorry, I heard the shower turn off and wanted to ask if you want ice cream." He says smiling. "Um, ya." I say looking at the ground. "You okay? It seems like you're upset about something." He says lifting my chin up to meet his eyes. "Ya, I'm okay." I say smiling. "Your eyes say something different." He says lowly. "I'm okay So. Really, I am." Our eyes are locked and I try to move my head to the side but he hold my chin tighter. "Jaxson." He says fermly. I roll my eyes getting angry. "What Sodo." I say a little harsher than I wanted. "Is this about what I saw at the restaurant?" He says softly but fermly. I look at him angrily and brings his free and to my waist. "Talk to me love." He says softly. I scoff and go to walk away. He quickly grabs me around my waist pulling my back to his front. "I'm not letting you walk away again." He growls in my ear. I try to twist out of his grasp. "Ves stop." He growls turning me so my back is against his door. "What." I growl out. "Fucking talk to me." He growls back. His face is inches from mine. His hair acting as certain keeping me from looking anywhere then his eyes. "Why, Mr.Thank you nice blond waitress." I say in a higher voice tilting my head up and side to side. "What?" Asks confused. "Don't 'what' me." I growl and snap my head to him. "Why do I even care. You don't fucking understand." I say trying to move under his arm. He grabs my arm and pushes me back against his door ruffly. I look down the stairs and he growls "look at me Vesta." I look into his eyes getting angrier. "Bite me Sodo." I growl back. "Damn it, Ves." He says lowly looking me in the eyes. He brings he's head down to the crock of my neck and bites it. I gasp and close my eyes, this isn't supposed to feel good. Fuck Sodo, what are you doing? He sucks on my neck for a bit, and bites again this time softer. After a little he sucks in my neck ruffly placing his hands on my waist pushing my harder into the door. He carefully let go after a good minute, and licks the spot he just had in his mouth, and kisses it softly. I shutter out a breath and bite my lip to not make a sound as he moves his way up my neck, placing soft kisses in a line. He kisses my jaw softly, and pulls away. "Still jealous?" He asks smirking, putting his hand on my jaw reading my lip out my mouth with his thumb. I look at him wide eyed not knowing what to say. "Answer me Angel." He says lowly with a smile. "I-"

The front door opens and he pulls away from me walking down the stairs. "Sodo!" Swiss says holding up a six pack. "Ves!" Swiss yells again and I push off the door and go down stairs. "I got you monsters." He says putting down a box of them and the six pack. "I want a beer." I say and he smiles shaking his head. "Nope!" "Fine, I guess you want me pissed off and hyper." I say crossing my arms. He sighs and tosses me a deer. Sodo chuckles and shakes his head. "You hush." I say squinting my eyes at him and grab my monsters and another beer and go back upstairs to me room. "What's up with her?" Swiss asks. "You don't wanna know." Sodo says. I can't hear his god damn smirk. I can hear the boys laughing, and a 3rd voice as the front door closes. Also a man's voice sounds like Aether maybe, but I don't go check it out. Instead I'm having a Sodo bite me, it felt nice, and I'm confused party all on my own.

I drink both of my beers quickly and two of my monsters. I watch Rick and Morty for hours till I hear the front door close. Sodo walks up the stairs and knocks on my door. "What?" I ask. I'm not mad anymore, I just want to annoy him. "Are you really still upset?" He says smirking standing in my doorway. I give him a side look and he chuckles. "Would you allow me to come watch with you?" He asks smiling. I sigh and he walks in and sits next to me. We stay quiet until the episode ends. I switch it to Deadpool and we both sit back and watch. "You can't be mad at me forever." He says smiling. "I'm not mad at you." I say. "Oh? Are you mad at Swiss for interrupting then?" His smile turning back into his damn smirk. I turn my body and look at the blanket sitting with my legs criss-crossed. "No." I say lowly. "Oh?" He says turning only his upper body. "I'm confused." I say looking at him. "About?" "Why did you bite me?" I ask looking into his eyes. "Because you told me to." He says seriously before smiling at me. We look at each other for a second before I turn back to the movie. He chuckles from beside me and we finish Deadpool with out talking to each other. He does go down and get the ice cream he promised. We both eat out of the tub if ice cream.

When Deadpool ends we sit and finish of the ice cream. We decided to play guitar and practice before practice tomorrow. It turned into fuck around and singing contest though. We are currently playing 'He Is' we don't have an acoustic guitar so it sounds a little off but not too bad. He's sitting at the desk chair and I'm on the bed. "So, what's the story behind that?" He says smiling pointing to Stickers. "It's my first guitar, she kinda collected them over time between Matty and I." I say smiling. "He's a really cool guy, I like him" he says. "I guess so." I chuckle. "He can be a real pain though. Mostly on the weekends." I say smiling and he chuckles. "I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you in the morning." He says standing up. He kisses the top of my head before he leaves my room. I look at my phone and it's 12 am. I turn my lights off and get into bed after changing into an over sized shirt. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.

When I do my mind goes back to Sodo's lips on my neck. The way his teeth felt biting on it. His soft kisses and hot breath. I dream of them on other parts of my body. The look in his eye he gave me before he bit me. The dark piercing blue. I dream of his hands on me and my hands in his hair and running down his chest and back. My mind goes to places it shouldn't, to places allowing me to lose my innocence. I wake up feeling hot. Really hot. I go to the bathroom but Sodo's already in the shower. So I go to the downstairs one to throw cold water on my face.


Didn't reach my goal. But I'm starting to get what I want to happen in the future written down. I thought I could remember it all but I can't.

Bite me (Sodoxoc) PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now