15.) Wild Card # 2: Sayaka's New Stalker (Damien Inbami)

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    Sayaka decided to go to campus earlier than usual and left a note on the foyer explaining why she didn't want to wait for the twins to awake

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    Sayaka decided to go to campus earlier than usual and left a note on the foyer explaining why she didn't want to wait for the twins to awake. She was excited to post the new system on campus but all the materials she needed to make them were in Hyakkaou Private Academy. She decided to walk as it would give her mind more time to think things clearly. As soon as she exited the west gate, she was surprised to see a boy arrive in an expensive motorcycle. He looked older than his age, out of sorts, possibly drunk. His thick red hair and beard was disheveled but nonetheless still attractive. He was wearing a suit that looked as if it hadn't been pressed in weeks. He smelled heavily of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and cologne with faint traces of women's perfume. He had hickeys on his neck.

    "Good morning, Sayaka-chan," Damien smiled, "I love your new hairstyle although I'm still partial to seeing it undone and over your shoulders."

    Sayaka smiled and blushed, her heart skipping a beat from the handsome boy's attention, "Good morning, Sir, but I'm afraid I'm not familiar with who you are."

    Damien was taken aback, then he searched his mind and realized that Sayaka's memory had been wiped, possibly because of the drug he delivered to Ririka who pretended to be Kirari. Which one of them did it, he wondered. Had Kirari done something to Sayaka that would need her memory wiped of the experience? He snapped out of his thoughts and continued, "We've met before, in the manor. I'm Damien Inbami."

    "Oh, a Bami. I'm so sorry, Mister Inbami. The President told me that I fell into the pool eight days ago and hit my head and can't remember some things."

    No that's not it, Damien thought inwardly. He searched his mind and realized that it was also the same day he came to call upon the twins, "That's ok. Please, just call me Damien. Where are you going on a Sunday like this?

    "To Hyakkaou. I have to make some promotional boards."

    "Would you like a ride to school?"

    "Thank you but no, I want to walk because there are things on my mind. I'm trying to come up with poster ideas for the new system the president wants in place."

    "I can help you with that. I can even help you post them all over campus, whatever this new system is."

    "I definitely would appreciate that but still, I'm walking."

    "I'll walk with you then," He got off his bike, "Can you open the gate for me? I don't have a key card."

    "Certainly," Sayaka said and proceeded to unlock it so that Damien could park his bike inside the compound. They began walking slowly towards Hyakkaou. He noticed so many different things about Sayaka. Her manner of walking was more confident and sensual. She smiled more often too and smelled differently, like lilies and sakura blossoms. He caught her stealing glances at him from time to time during their walk. He moved closer to catch a scent of her sweat. Then it hit him. She had experience now and was fair game. But still, she wasn't as brazen as he'd have hoped she would be and still retained the blushing and self-effacing manner.

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