10.) Twilight (Kirari Gifts Sayaka Her Perfume)

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     The late afternoon sun streamed into the student council room revealing the bored faces of Runa, Yuriko, Yumemi, and Midari. Kaede and Itsuki were off, busy flirting with each other at the treasurer's office. Kirari was doing her best to extend the meeting in the hopes of formally introducing her new secretary to them. She rambled on about her amusing gambles setting them as examples to learn from to her already bored subjects when her phone vibrated in her jacket pocket. She excused herself and looked at the text message from Sayaka. It read that she had a fever and was unable to attend the meeting. Kirari promptly ended it much to everyone's relief and the Momobami twins made their way home on the limousine that picked them up. She then asked Ririka not to get down from the car and instead go for some takeout ramen and dumplings.

     "We can have the chef make some for her. It would be a lot safer. As for medicine, we have an in-house nurse that keeps the medicine cabinets stocked and checks for expiration dates. I also have a fully-stocked apothecary in the basement."

     "The takeout ramen is for me," Kirari lied, "Go ahead and get something for you too. You can leave the food at the table in the balcony, I will eat there later on."

     As the driver pulled away, Kirari quickly made her way to Sayaka's room. Outside the door stood the in-house nurse who quickly gave Kirari a briefing of what he had done for their new house guest. Kirari pressed zero on the intercom outside the guest room and spoke, "Sayaka are you awake? Let me in." Her phone vibrated and she saw Sayaka's reply in text message and used her master key card to open the door. The nurse followed Kirari but stopped when Kirari turned to him saying, "Did I say you can follow me? I will call for you if I need anything more."

     "Yes Ma'am," The nurse bowed, "I will come back after four hours to check on the patient," and with that he left closing the door behind him. Kirari turned to Sayaka who shyly pulled her violet comforter self-consciously over her body. She was wearing a purple nightgown and hanging over her shoulders were two lace straps. Kirari licked her lips at the sight.

     "President, I'm sorry to disturb you. I don't usually get sick. I normally have lots of energy."

     Kirari pulled a chair next to the bed and sat with her legs crossed, arms together in an elegant stance, her poker-face hiding what she was feeling at that moment. She studied Sayaka whose eyes appeared to be cloudy with exhaustion. The bandage was still on her head from her accident at the pool yesterday. The cut on her lip had dried but was still visible, "I don't like to baby my staff, Sayaka. And I was a little disappointed that you did not show up at the council meeting today. However, I will take note of how well you cleaned the room up. You even took care of the cobwebs on the ceiling. How on earth did you reach that far?"

     "I borrowed the ladder that Yuriko used for the repairs of her gambling den, Kaichou."

     "I see. Well done. I don't often attend the council meetings. When I do, I expect reports so that I can effect results. I don't plan to make it a habit to coddle my subjects."

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