
12 2 9

Mahira found herself in front of the conference room. She inhaled a breath of confidence as she grasped the long cold metallic door handles of the conference room and threw the door open. The first sight she got hold of, was not what she had anticipated.

Right in her line of sight, were seated Mr. Raman Vyas and her Father, Mr. Rajveer Dixit. Now was not the best time to process how could they have possibly been there before her.

''Good Morning gentlemen. Firstly, I am sorry to keep y'all waiting, if at all. Also, I hope your stay at 'Evara Homes' was a comfortable one.'' Mahira addressed the Board of Directors that had gathered in the conference room.

''So without further ado, I'd like to first begin with a brief comparison of our profits in the previous 2 financial years. So the just-ended financial year has seen a significant leap in our profits as compared to the last two years. I could safely add that a considerable part of this is seen accounted for, by the successfully accomplished phase 1 of our 'Dharohar' project.'' Mahira gave a pause to conjecture the reactions of the members.
She then presented the Annual Progressive and Development Report briefly. Taking a note of the facial expressions of the people gathered there gave her a little ounce of relief and a feeling of satisfaction as her father shared a confident look with her.

"I find it crucial to mention that under 'Dharohar', our type-III fully furnished and ready to move in villas remained the Milestone of the Year and saw 23% faster and higher possession by our clients than any other project under 'Evara Grand' as- " She saw a hand being raised by one of the senior board members and thus welcomed the much anticipated questions, "Yes Mr. Shekhawat, please."

"Firstly, pardon me for the interjection." Mr. Shekhawat apologized in general and continued, "Secondly....I ,and I think for that matter, many of us here would first like to congratulate the Team for the accomplishments and setting the new milestone. But- " It didn't need a genius in her to have already forecasted the 'but' though.

"-But I hope you do realize, Ms. Dixit that 'Dharohar' has not come this far at random costs. For something that has been un-experimented, it has been a big gamble. "

She smiled looking down at the long conference table she stood against and then back up into his eyes, "Yes, Mr. Shekhawat. I completely do. But Sir, when has experimenting in real estate not been a gamble? But it should not bother me to say that it has been a safe gamble, pretty safe."

"Well, for a company who's not even quinquennially been borrowing loans from credit banks, Trinity doing that for the first time under your leadership for what? Approximately 75 crores? Yes. seventy five crores. If that isn't a gamble enough, I don't know what is, Ms. Dixit. " The slightest smirk on Neil's face at the end of his statement did not go unnoticed by Mahira.

I can so bet he had this jumping out of his tongue even before I began. Bitch! Anyways the more questions, the better! 

Mahira thought to herself.

"Agreed Mr. Vyas. But there is always a first, right? Moreover, we are already in the process of repayment of the loan. So, if it's about the loans only, there shouldn't be a concern I think!''

Neil bobbed his head in agreement with an expression that portrayed he was impressed.

''Talking of 'DHAROHAR', what do you think remained the USP for this project?'' Asked another of the senior board members.

''Yes Sir. So we delivered exactly what we promised. What is the biggest quest for people to solve, right after they are done with the quest of buying a house?'' She inquisitively looked at people there and waited for them to respond. Then continued, ''Well isn't it the one of making the 'house' a 'home'? That's exactly what we catered to our clients.''

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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