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The two of them had just been arranging the essentials for the festive occasion- minimally decorating the in-house Temple, making the Aarti ki Thaali, arranging sweets and running a few errands.

The doorbell rang once again. Something about the whole vibe told that this time, the other side of the door had the most loved but the least met people. Both of them exchanged a warm smile and Samira ran to attend meanwhile asking Mahira to come along.

''You go...I will just be there...some final touch up to the temple.''

With baited breath and a heartwarming smile, Samira opened the door. There they stood, the two people who had their hearts and souls even though the girls themselves were here. Not wasting another second, she latched onto her parents as her eyes glistened with newly formed tears...of affection. But to her shocking surprise right behind the backs of her two beloved people, stood a third.
She glared at her incredulously.

But before Samira could even question, a loud bawl echoed in the house, ''Ye 'Naali' yaha kya kar rahi hai?!!''

''Did you see Kaka, that's how I am treated like a family here!'' Complained the one who was an unexpected addition.

''Arey tu bolne de rey isko...Tu majhi Mumbai chi mulgi aahe!!''
[Hey you let her speak what she pleases, you are my dear girl, the typical Mumbai one.]

Mr. Dixit exclaimed putting an affectionate arm around Mrunal.

''Ho Kaka!'' [Yes uncle!!] Mrunal flicked her hair with sass.

''Not that we aren't glad to have you here Mrunal-" Samira said embracing her best friend. ''- But still how come are you here?!''
Mahira cut her, once again as all of them ushered inside the house.

'' For God Sake girls!! Stop acting like inseparable soul sisters! Who even complete each other's sentences!'' Mrunal whined.

''Soul sisters? Of course! Only if the soul was not as tainted.''
Mahira gaped at her twin's sarcasm-oozing remark.

''Chalo luggage andar lekar aao!'' Sam dismissed her.

''See Maa? Aapki honhaar beti!'' Mahira rolled her eyes as she hugged her mother and then her father who who gave her a glare against the joke.

''Maa, Papa you people get freshened up and relax. I will get you some lemonade. Dr. Deshmukh, would you honour me by giving some company?''

'' Why not? Ain't I a robot?!''

''I bet and you've got Superpowers! So as it is, you can't be tired. Ab chalo!'' Samira dragged Mrunal to the kitchen along with her.

''So...?'' Sam trailed while getting the ingredients for the lemonade as Mrunal leaned against the counter.

''So?'' Mrunal questioned her back in response only for Sam to give her a blank look which was indicative enough for Mrunal to come clean.

''Bruh nothing much! Just a last moment plan with Neil to-'

Mrunal paused noticing Samira who had been looking at her with a raised brow.


''That's for you tell...What?!" Sam snapped back.

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