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''Good....early morning?'' Samira questioningly greeted Mahira who she found in the balcony, early morning. A very rare sight to behold.

''What's up?'' Sam asked Mahira who was pacing frantically across the balcony. She had her usual black coffee in one hand and her phone in the other to get the updates. Mahira looked up from her phone and Sam noticed the creases on her forehead and a hint of edginess in her stance. Mahira internally thanked the Gods for it to be Samira and no one else.

''Huh?'' She blurted, oblivious of her surroundings.

''I asked, What.is.up?'' Samira uttered each word as if talking to a small child.

''Arey nothing's up. Everything's down!''


''Yeah! Everything's down! My mind's down, my mood's down, I am having a breakdown-''

''Calm down!'' Samira interrupted her distressed sister who chuckled at Sam's choice of words.

''I can't....seriously-'' Mahira murmured shaking her head.

''You know it doesn't work like that. Come sit....and then tell me what's gotten into your empty head!'' Sam nattered and tugged Mahira along, to settle on the swing.

''Hmm....now spill.''

''What? Coffee? ''

''Really!?'' Samira threw a bored look in her direction and Mahira mock surrendered at that, ''Okay sorry.''

''You should be! And now spill what's been bothering the botherer herself !'' Samira smirked.

''Not funny. Anyway...There's so much on the platter, I can't really sink in all of it, you know?''

''Hmm, I see. So....let's begin with, for the lack of a better word, 'starters' then?'' Sam suggested, chuckling.

''Okay so....we have the bi-annual review meeting with the Board of Directors today.''

''Big deal!'' Samira shrugged nonchalantly.

''-AND Papa AND Raman Uncle are going to be there too?!'' Mahira tried to reiterate the importance of it all in her sister's head, incredulous at her casual demeanor. Samira mouthed an 'o'.

''Yeah! You get the gravity of it all?'' Mahira exclaimed, flailing her hands to which Samira only nodded seriously.

''So...are there any serious matters of concern which you think might be raised?''

''Nah! None as grave. Well...except for the land extension permission thing. But that isn't really the elephant in the room.'' Mahira spoke leaning back in the swing, crossing her legs.

''Exactly...and of course not something you would loose your sanity for. So...what else?'' Samira found herself asking.

''Sam yaar! I am hell anxious for the 'Evara' project we've just accomplished.''

''People however, normally...those who are normal you know? Get elated over their accomplishments in general.'' Samira deadpanned.

Mahira swatted Sam's proximal hand away in annoyance at that.

''Shut up and quit throwing satires my way. Even I myself am proud of the project. But, the point is that I might end up facing severe scrutiny over the type-III Villas you know? They're the very essence of the whole project!''

Sam furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she tilted her head to look at Mahira.

''Why should you be? I mean they've been successfully delivered to the your very satisfied clients already, right? In fact, as far as I've come to know, 'Dharohar' is Trinity's milestone of the year! So...''

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