Start from the beginning

"No it's better to do it now , rip the bandage off directly" I say while we get out of the room and walk towards the living room where Maria and Lio are playing .
She looks up at us and smile fondly "Okay me and Lio have to go , Maria I leave her in your care"  Maria nod excitedly like a little girl who's about to dress her favorite doll "no te preocupes she's in good hand" Alessandro nods then picks up Aurelio before getting out of the room he kiss me on the forehead startling me .

He used to that.... Before all this , it was kind of our ritual I always wanted some type of kiss before he'll goes on his day but now what does it mean now ?
Maybe I am thinking too much into things maybe he did it out of instinct and there's no meaning to it.

"Stop thinking so much about a little kiss and let's get you ready" Maria says smacking my bum , I yelp and follow her sulking.
I thought we would go out but no she just guide me in one of the rooms Several dresses are on a banner, a mirror with a desk where there is plenty of extended makeup and a high chair , damn they really giving me the full experience huh ?

"Maria I don't think I need all this" I say motioning to the room "Oh really and what are you going to wear cause I know there's not a single thing in your closet" I look away "why is your closet not full Oma and don't tell me it's because the money is not yours"

Well it is not mine

"Who's name is on the card" she ask me but I look at her confused "well Ale-"
"Dios mio the card is yours ! Therefore the money is yours !"
What ? "Why would he do that ?" She watches me like I've grown two heads "you really are clueless" she sigh shaking her head

"anyway these people" she claps her hands and three person enter the room "are here to enhance your beauty"
"Maria youd o know that I couldve do all of this alone right" I whisper in her ears , I don't why Alessandro would accept to waste that much money on me .

"Look I understand that you want to fight this but I want you to understand that you are the next Guerrero's matriarch" I scoff  "you know I am right and if you really think Alessandro will ever let you go you're delusional"

yeah right , even though there's an obvious attraction between us , I don't think Alessandro would choose to be with me like that, if it weren't for the contract last time he would've never even took a glance my way

"And if not for Alessandro you're still Aurelio's mom and as the mother of a Guerrero you have to act like your on top of the world , let your son understand his status by the way you act" she finishes sternly and I nod .

"So the dress , by the way this is Udaya she's the best stylist out here and these are Amara and Iris they will be in charge of your hair and makeup" I nod to them all "thank you for taking care of me" all of them beams at me "our pleasure darling" Udaya says taking my hand and twirling me "you have a fantastic body I can't wait to see the dresses on you !"

I blush looking down , I still don't do well with compliments given I never received any when I was a child .

"So I was thinking maybe something soft colored , Oma actually loves white right ?" Maria says so excitedly that I don't want to tell her that it was because my parents thought Alessandro would like me more in those colors.

"Uhm actually if I am going to play the parts you want me to" I narrow my eyes teasingly at her before looking at Udaya "I was thinking something black something bold and sexy but without doing too much ... if that means anything" I chuckle nervously

"Revenge dress kind of vibe yeah I totally see it" Maria says clapping her hands like a child "You're going to be gorgeous and will left them speechless"
"You're coming too right" I ask her , she's talking about me but why shouldn't she also go after she's like a mother to Alessandro.

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